Well, all I can do is cheer you on with all the good advice you've gotten! I understand about not wanting to talk to a therapist -- you know that abuse victims have a big "no talk" rule implanted into their brains, so talking to a therapist would of course be hard. Big Tex had that problem.
Getting your blood sugar tested is a good idea, too. Cover all the bases.
I think, in addition to your already-existing issues, the move has probably shaken you up. It's called a "Major Life Event" by insurance companies, right up there with death and divorce. Moving can be quite overwhelming anyway (ask arrowstar!).
Take it one step at a time, one friend at a time. I don't know what your new neighborhood is like, but maybe you can pull out your old Witness hat and go knocking on a few doors, but instead of talking Bible, invite a few people over for tea or drinks. If that feels too overwhelming, DON'T PUSH YOURSELF!!! Call people on the phone. You have my number -- feel free to use it!!!
Keep us posted, okay?