The Biggest Issue Is Not Guns—It Is Mental Health!

by minimus 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • Acluetofindtheuser

    The mental illness and angry people could all be fixed with the use of pot regularly. They'll be happy and care free once they start this prescribed treatment.

    On a serious note, the former marine guy who killed those 11 people in California lived with his mother. I bet his morale was in the dumps because he had to go live with his parents again. I wonder if his so called friends made fun of him because he was still living at home. It's hard to pick up chicks at the local country western bar when they find out you live with your mom still.

  • 2+2=5

    So the US has a massive problem with mentally unhealthy people? More mentally ill per capita than comparable countries?

    I’d say it’s more likely the proliferation of firearms that’s behind all the shooting. The difference in culture isn’t the mental illness, it’s the guns.

    It is not nice nor accurate to lump those that suffer mental illness in with mass killers.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    Half this nation is mentally ill.

  • 2+2=5

    Someone In Melbourne Australia just set fire to a car and stabbed members of the public. Hopefully the victims are ok. The suspect is in hospital critically injured after being shot by police, a slow death let’s all pray.

    This bullshit of knives, cars, explosions of gas or shrapnel, baseball bats, cable zip ties, hammers, rocks, scissors, bar stools, hardwood timber, spoons, shallow puddles of water.. can be used to kill people ad nauseam isn’t a logical argument. Sovereign nations arm and protect themselves with guns for a reason.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    And sovereign citizens do the same.

  • Tameria2001

    On a serious note, the former marine guy who killed those 11 people in California lived with his mother. I bet his morale was in the dumps because he had to go live with his parents again. I wonder if his so-called friends made fun of him because he was still living at home. It's hard to pick up chicks at the local country western bar when they find out you live with your mom still.


    I was briefly watching the news and they were talking about this man. One thing they said that he was assaulted by some men at that bar earlier. It sounds like he decided to give out some retribution.

  • smiddy3

    I haven`t read all of these pages yet . However ,

    I have not yet once read anywhere in the world where a "Mentally Diseased Apostate" has gone out and killed anyone .

    just saying

  • joe134cd

    I heard on the radio this morning on my way to work, that 1/8 of the population in the country in which i live is on antidepressant medication. This is in a country which one of its biggest cities is listed in the top five places in the world in which to live. It would be interesting to see how the antidepressant rate compares to America. But one thing I can say is that i cannot remember the last time someone went on a rampant shooting spree. Why?! Because the process to possess a fire arm is just so much more stringent. I think to get a military style weapon is near impossible. With out a doubt mental instability plays a role in these shootings. But the ability of these mentally unstable people to access fire arms must also be factored into the equation. Clearly the right to bear arms just isn’t working.

  • jhine

    l agree with the points made about the number of mentally ill people in the UK , or Australia or France or Austria etc . Every country has people who are mentally ill , only the USA has these mass shootings , and yes someone can grab a knife but as already pointed out you can only kill one person at a time time with a knife or rope and how many people can make bombs ?

    The problem clearly is the love affair that many , not all , Americans have with guns and how easy it is for someone to kill dozens of victims from a distance , unlike a using a knife or rope .


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    There's no place - NO GODDAMN PLACE - for assault weapons in civilized society. Until people are so shocked that they voluntarily give up their right to have guns so that others have the right to live, this will not change. That may never happen, but that's what needs to.

    How long can any given individual say "the right to own a gun is more important than X number of lives taken with the use of a gun"? What is that X for each person? For a gun control advocate, that number may be 0. For a gun rights advocate, that number may be a million, half the population of the country, all of the population of the country? Right now, the number of lives taken is obviously not enough for gun owners to voluntarily give up their guns. I don't think gun control alone is the answer. I'm just saying if that's what's desired, then the public has to be willing to give it up. All of it. Like other civilised countries have done.

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