So 1/3 of the angels followed Satan, the majority stuck with God. Doesn't the existence of faithful angels prove God's right to universal sovereignty much more so than the actions of one human pair?
Why don't faithful angels prove God's Universal Sovreignty
by joelbear 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think God's universal authority is ever in doubt. But the issue of it was raised on earth with the disobedience of man under the influence of Satan. Therefore, the earth becomes the "proving ground" for Satan and his angels as well as for mankind.
It seems that "might makes right" for the JW god. He's given humans 6000 years to obey him. They've overwhelmingly voted against him and proven that they get on much better without him. So he's going to wipe them all out.
Apparently a two-thirds majority of angels isn't enough.
The God of the Hebrew Scriptures, "Jehovah", needs absolute UNIVERSAL domination, or else there is an issue. That's why the Hebrew Scriptures say his name is "Jealous". Even if it were only one angel gone bad, "Jehovah" would have an issue.
All the good people are held hostage to the "issue" as long as the "rebels" are permitted to exist.
But someday, sometime, "Jehovah" will act for his "sanctification". It's just around the corner, you know!!
It seems that "might makes right" for the JW god. He's given humans 6000 years to obey him. They've overwhelmingly voted against him and proven that they get on much better without him. So he's going to wipe them all out
LOL. Right. Real nice of our old buddy God, who shoots lightening from his eyeballs, and wipes out entire nations because he no likey their religion. Heh.
So, a 2/3 majority of angels apparently does not prove universal sovereignty. Maybe they didn't have a quorum.
Now, we have 1/10 of 1% of humans who recognize his sovereingnty (at least by JW definitions). It seems to me that God clearly lost the bet.
I believe that the contention was made that "not one" would follow God, if left up to himself. If this was the case, then Job settled the matter. So, no matter how you look at it, the universal sovereignty issue makes no sense.
By the way, whenever it appears that God is losing (flood, sodom & gomorrah, armageddon), he just kills everybody and starts over. What a sore loser.
Where does the Bible ever say that the issue before mankind is that of God's universal sovereignty? That teaching is a complete fiction created by the Watchtower in order to engender loyalty to the organization.
Where does the Bible ever say that the issue before mankind is that of God's universal sovereignty?
In first Hezekiah, chapter 17 verse 136. Don't you know your Bible???
Actually it looks like we're having some intellectual "fun" with this theory of universal sovereignty as propounded by the ever-so-wise WT Society.
Actually it looks like we're having some intellectual "fun" with this theory of universal sovereignty as propounded by the ever-so-wise WT Society.
Yeah, I knew that. But sometimes I get this uncontrollable urge to point out the obvious...
It all depends upon who you listen to: The Universalists always taught "universal salvation." Perhaps, the truth lies somewhere in between Jehovah's Witnesses and them.