Original Christianity according to whom? Jehovahs witnesses and their bible? Do research on how "original" any of the greek scriptures really are.
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer 201 Replies latest jw friends
'Don't feed the troll'
Actually we are not feeding the troll we are using ABeliever as a tennis ball, we are wacking away at this tennis ball to keep us sharp and ready to deal with one of the world's most ignorant, self indulgent and dangerous religions.
ABeliever is our tennis ball. His purpose is to help us work out.
Hi a believer have you done research into the society using other means than the proclaimers book and the kingdom book? Or does the fear still control your mind to look at it from a neutral standpoint as it did me ?
Archaeologists believe Egypt's large pyramids are the work of the Old Kingdom society that rose to prominence in the Nile Valley after 3000 B.C. Historical analysis tells us that the Egyptians built the Giza Pyramids in a span of 85 years between 2589 and 2504 BC
*** w71 7/1 p. 410 Where Did Moses Get His Information? ***
According to Bible chronology, the global flood of Noah’s day occurred in 2370 B.C.E.So Pyramids = ~2500 BC
Noah's Flood = 2370 BC
Doesn't that fear strike you as kind of odd ?
A Believer, Honest question here
If someone could disprove the authenticity of all this to you would you, or would you want to even change your mind?
A Believer
midnight2 minutes ago
Hi a believer have you done research into the society using other means than the proclaimers book and the kingdom book? Or does the fear still control your mind to look at it from a neutral standpoint as it did me ?
JWfacts. It's a popular website here. I haven't even studied a lot of the Bible but I can debunk a lot of it none the less Elders can.
Can you give us all scriptural basis for the 144k being a literal number? Go!
A Believer
Sanchy I don't get you're point.