I'd like to know what you think of the "all important, life saving preaching work". Even if this preaching was considered a success, it would not be able to save the billions of people on this earth. Recently, my mother told me how she believe that Jehovah God is patiently keeping the door open, since every year, new ones come into the "truth". I think that if the time left is so short, and the preaching work done by a handful of people to witness to BILLIONS of people, is SO important, there would be a much better way to reach "honest-hearted ones".
The Preaching Work Is A Scam
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
Now, If I remember correctly, more people are being born each year than are coming into the WTS or being called on every year. Sounds like to me that the door will be open. You might share those quotes I posted in last week's (?) WT Review about everyone not getting a personal witness.
Blondie (they have to live in la-la land to make peace with 6 billion being killed)
The door to door work is really a worthless effort. So much time wasted, and little results. I still stand beside the opinion that the vast majority of all new witnesses are the children already born in.
It would be an interesting study to see how many are actually converted. Very, very few I imagine.
Victorian sky
Minimus, I couldn't agree more. When I was mechanically going from door to door, I felt more like a salesman than a lifesaver. Since God is almighty, there has to be a more effective way to 'save' people. The thought that a God of love would wipe out billions of people and save a handful just because they were part of a religion made not sense to me. Being out in the territory, I didn't feel like I was 'serving' anyone, it felt like I was imposing my religion on other people. One elder told me that the field ministry is more for JW's than for 'worldly' people. That it's supposed to remind us of the truths we've learned and keep us humble. So lifesaving? I don't think so. Another mind numbing, life wasting task to keep JW's too busy to think for themselves. - Victorian Sky
The door to door work is really a worthless effort.
Not at all to the WTBS. The door-to-door work is an almost cost-free magazine sales and distribution system. The movement of magazines generates enormous revenues for the WTBS. (The congregations are billed for the "free" literature, not to mention donations made by the brothers and householders - ever wonder at the weird donation amounts that the congregation gives to the WTBS?.)
Other businesses, such as Amway, use a similar no-cost distribution system.
Being a Witness and believing in the meaning of texts and the meaning of world events, is nothing more than believing in a conspiracy theory.
What would be different if there were no god and the Watch Tower were just a book publishing company telling bedtime stories to make the children behave and obey mother?
What real thing would be different? GaryB -
Yes, everything is a conspiracy.
The door to door work is really a worthless effort
Mayeb it has something to do with the fact that my heart was never in it, but i went out in service until i was sixteen or so and i never had so much as a single return call!
I believe that the door to door work is actually counter-productive. The idea of knocking on your neighbors doors, and bothering them with useless crap probably turns off more potential Witnesses than it converts.
So, if they eliminated the door to door work, the number of JWs would probably increase.
When I was mechanically going from door to door, I felt more like a salesman than a lifesaver.
boy..ain't that the truth.
There is a remarkable similarity between the JWs approach to the D2D work and the way salesman canvass neighborhoods selling everything from auto repair coupons to kirby vacuum cleaners. Of course they'll deny the comparison by claiming that they aren't actually "selling" anything, but that in itself is just a play on words.
My die hard dubby wife delights in seeing families sweltering in the hot sun going D2D in our neighborhood yet she NEVER, EVER goes out herself anymore. If pressed about this she always have a mouthful of excuses which is fine with me since I'd rather have her spending what would otherwise be wasted time with me. I think she's waiting for me to "take the lead" in this activity. She still has it in her heart that one day I'll come back to the "troof". What she doesn't know is that hell will quite literally have to freeze over before I ever take part in that activity or organization again.