Overcoming the influence of Jehovah's Witnesses

by Christophoros 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Christophoros

    Some things that have helped me in my journey...

    Since a major part of what the Watchtower Society does, involves the twisting of the real meaning of the Bible and specific verses... It makes sense to me, whether a person has some kind of belief in the Bible or not, to go to the source of the twisting, get it's real meaning, unravel the the knots and chains, and walk free.

    For me, a huge part of the unravelling process has been spending time in the Gospels.

    The Pharisees...

    I used to read the Gospels, and listen to audio Bibles, and every time the Pharisees showed up, I would sign/groan/mockingly laugh:

    'not them again '

    Then, a few years ago, I suddenly realised that I was like them.

    Luke 18:9-14

    Matthew 9

    Matthew 23

    John 9

    ... Those passages stand out to me...

    That is how the Watchtower Society teaches it's followers to be.

    Everyone varies with how much they take on that mindset...

    It can lead to a judgemental, unloving and callous attitude to others... To pretty much everyone on the planet, since the nastiness is mainly directed at 'worldly people' ~ everyone who is not in the cult.

    It can also lead to developing

    Narcissistic and/or Sociopathic traits...

    I very much recommend learning something about those things...

    It can lead to having a judgemental attitude... Always pointing the finger at others, but never looking at ourself...

    One day, a few years ago, after years of working on that, I suddenly realised that practically every time I was judging someone else, all I was doing was projecting what I was like, onto them...

    That was quite an eye opener...

    I then understood the meaning of the saying that goes something like :

    'when you point a finger at others, three of your own are pointing right back at you'

    On the matter of Projection, I think it works the other side of the coin too...

    When we see a good thing in someone else...

    Yes, sometimes it isn't there, it can be wishful thinking and/or projection...

    That's not what I'm talking about here... I'm thinking more along the lines of

    'it takes one, to know one'

    ... Like looking into the mirror...

    We recognise the good thing because we are already familiar with it... It is in us too.

    A nice guard against putting others on a pedestal, and putting ourselves down...

    This leads me onto


    In the cult, there are the

    'elders, anointed, overseers, governing body'...

    People who the main group of the

    'great crowd '

    look up to, consider themselves to be beneath...

    The Bible says the opposite, it talks about equality and that we are all equal brothers and sisters...

    Proverbs 20:10

    Matthew 23:8

    James 2

    James 3

    Proverbs 26:27 ~ opened my eyes to one aspect of Equality...

    When a person seeks to make their self out to be above others, no longer walking together on equal terms, on level ground... They dig a hole for the other person to fall into, to try and put them down...

    Like in

    Luke 18:9-14, they're basically saying :

    'I'm so wonderful! So much better than others...

    Here, I'll prove it...

    Look at that person...

    s/he is this/that...

    There they go... Down that hole I just dug for them...

    Not like me, standing here above them... I am so wonderful'

    And yet, the reality is... Superiority and Inferiority are just an illusion... And the person addicted to that false sense of Superiority and the false high that they get from it, is too drunk to realise that they just fell down that hole they dug...

    The false high wears off quickly... Then they continue digging the hole that they are in, to keep getting their fix...

    I have found that when someone is stuck like that... There is no point saying anything... They are impervious... May as well be blind and deaf

    Good hearted people can be stuck like that...having picked up those traits along the way...

    They might listen to someone who they really trust /respect...and/or come to an understanding by some other way...

    I believe they will, one way or another... Just a matter of time...

    I found that there is no getting away with it... If I have a bad attitude with some people, that then comes out in how I treat those I love... It poisons the well...

    James 3 :10-12

    ...I then give the salty water to the people I wanted to give fresh water to...

    There's just no getting away with it, equality is where it's at, for me, it's the only way that works

    ... So that's what I endeavour to do...

    Proverbs 11:27 ~ this was another verse that helped me...

    The Watchtower Society has quite a fixation on Satan, demons and 'worldy people'...

    It's all part of seeking to manipulate and control it's members. And to create an

    'us against the whole world'

    ... Seige mentality

    To look for bad, even when it isn't there... Creating a paranoia about people and even inanimate objects... That they are being controlled by demons, for the sole purpose of getting people to leave the cult...

    Everyone varies with how much they took on that mindset...

    It can lead to paranoia, negativity, complaining, nit picking, anxiety, depression, mistrusting, assigning bad motives and falsely accusing others, whose actions and motives where good or neutral

    For me, the antidote is Proverbs 11:27

    And Gratitude...

    I found this video helpful :

    "A Good Day" With Brother David Steindl-Rast

    On the channel :

    A Network for Grateful Living


    The truth...

    The idea that only Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth...

    This can lead to the idea that, if a person/book/movie are wrong about one thing, or disagree with you on something that you believe to be true, then they don't have the truth, and are to be rejected

    I took that on board and only in the last couple of years came to the conclusion that,

    I don't think any one person/book/movie has the whole 100% truth... They, and I, will be right about some things and wrong about others... It's up to me to discern and sift through what is what

    Related to this, is the attitude that a Witness is the teacher, since only they have the truth and all 'worldly people' don't know what they're talking about...

    This can make a person arrogant, unwilling to listen and learn... Why should they, if apparently they have the truth and know it all?

    I think the sum of my knowledge is like one grain of sand on a beach that stretches into infinity... And that's a wonderful thing... Learning is an infinite adventure

    The need to always be in the role of a teacher, to always be looking for a way to teach and give someone 'the truth', and to save them from being destroyed at armaggedon, can also lead to missing out on real human relationships... Where talking, listening, giving, receiving, caring and sharing are where it's at.

    Open and honest communication and being our true selves is also a key ingredient in our relationships... Something that is hindered if we are always playing the role of teacher and saviour... As well as putting on a pharisaical act of being clean and righteous as well as being scared of doing anything that will bring reproach on the Watchtower...

    The good news is, we can overcome the influence of Jehovah's Witnesses and recover our true selves...

    I've always believed that our true self, at our very core, is unchanged

    People notice this, when they get older and say things like :

    'I don't feel like I'm the age my body is... I feel like I was when I was younger '

    .. Yes, I am not my body.

    I am me, my spirit.

    And people who have been through horrific things have noticed it too...

    That no matter what happened, their true self, at the core, was untouched, that it was untouchable, unchangeable...

    Traits, behaviours, experiences etc have had an influence on me, for the better and for the worse...

    I can look at them and decide what to keep and what to get rid of...

    Some things take time, commitment, determination and persistence to get rid of...

    Like climbing a mountain...

    It is so worth it

    We are also then better equipped to understand, empathise with and help others in similar situations...

    Some examples of that, away from cults...

    We learn a lot about Narcissistic and Sociopathic problems...abusive controlling relationships...things that are quite common outside of cults, as well as in them.

    And the universal phenomenon of feeling the need to conform to the group your are in...

    Social Conformity...

    No matter how disgusting or absurd the groups' behaviour is...

    Something worth learning about...

    I found this video helpful :

    Brain games - Social conformity

    On the channel :

    Ahmad Shdefat


    It's also worth learning something about

    'Confirmation Bias'

  • Vidiot

    Freaky sex helps, too. :smirk:

  • scratchme1010

    Since a major part of what the Watchtower Society does, involves the twisting of the real meaning of the Bible and specific verses... It makes sense to me, whether a person has some kind of belief in the Bible or not, to go to the source of the twisting, get it's real meaning, unravel the the knots and chains, and walk free.

    For me, a huge part of the unravelling process has been spending time in the Gospels.

    I agree about the freaky sex part too, but to keep it about you, I didn't read pass what I quoted because I personally can't care less about the Bible. However, I do care about people being aware of the WT negative influence and how it affects many aspects of people's lives, nit just what they learn about the bible.

    In no way am I dismissing your work and what you have found works for you. Some of us do more work related the learned behaviors that have been negatively influenced by the WT instead of concentrating in learning something from the bible.

    Yes, the WT and many other religious organizations misuse and abuse the bible to get people to buy into their agenda. It's great to realize that. But please keep in mind that believing and continuing using the bible is each person's choice. Getting rid of the behaviors that one adopts from the WT's negative influence is necessary for all of us to address (IMO).

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Christophoros, thank you for your post. Much resonance for me.

  • Christophoros

    Muddy Waters,

    Thank you

    I'm glad you got something from it :-)

  • megaboy

    For their use of demons they don't seem to really have deep info on them according to hebrew lore. They imply that they are this omnipontent force when they have to be summoned or invited to cling to humans and tend to habitat very specific areas of the earth.

    Of course that doesnt mean there's not some kind of demon or spirit over this organization. All it would take is one higher up dealing with it.

  • Finkelstein

    Nice insightful thoughts Christophoros

  • Finkelstein

    I think whats important to realize is that the WTS strongly propagates so much that the JWS organization is doing god's work and therefore are distinct from the rest of practicing Christianity.

    There is a purposeful uplifting of the organization as being righteously purer than the rest of the world and its members, denigrating the rest of humanity for not being devoted members.

    When you become a JWS your forcefully brainwashed to be subservient to the WTS's leaders and " Their" teachings, so whatever they say you have to support what they profess and teach, they essentially own and operate your thinking abilities and cognitive understands. Its very much a game of power and control.

  • Christophoros


    I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that demons were pulling the strings of the Watchtower...

    I don't know what the facts are, about demons...

    Whatever the truth of the matter is,

    I try to focus on the good Spirits, that I know for a fact are real, and on us human spirits.

    Proverbs 11:27... was something that I thought, if you believe in demons... Perhaps the Watchtowers' fixation with them... Well, maybe they get what they look for...

    Maybe... I don't know for a fact.

    Just that I prefer to look for the good...

  • Christophoros

    Thank you Finklestein

    And likewise to you, that's a good summary of what goes on.

    And yes, it's all about power and control...and keeping people imprisoned by fear of consequences.

    Yes, it is purposeful... Getting people hooked on being drunk on the delusion that they are superior to, and purer than others... that can then be a hard addiction to let go of...

    It's a classic technique used by cults and movements (e.g nazis) and narcissistic, sociopathic and abusive relationships...


    Yes, I believe that too, that they know full well what they are doing... That they have learnt those controlling and manipulation techniques from somewhere...

    And use them to exploit frailties in the human condition.

    It's one of the most fundamental things that we all face... Namely, our attitude to others and whether we believe we are equal, superior or inferior to others...

    But ultimately, it backfires, if that's not what a person is really like... wanting to be above others... eventually they will reject it and the organisation.

    One of the initiations into the group, using peer pressure and social conformity to get people wearing suits...

    Right there, they kill 2 or 3 or more birds with one stone...

    Getting people to conform to the group, starting to feel superior to others and obeying the leaders...

    And the initiated then start to feel part of the special, chosen, unique group...

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