Not invited to congregation “get togethers”. They finally said it

by solomon 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    Yes..In my case, I had a full-time job. But, I really made the effort to get to the meetings. But, it didn’t matter. Very few to no invitations were extended to this single woman. I know I was not the only one excluded.

    Hopefully, nobody would ever come crawling to ME looking for $$ for Witnesses with hard luck stories - because they would certainly get NOTHING and would be told why.

    There’s a price to be paid for having policies like they do.

    All of this just added to the reasons that made it easy for me to ‘fade’ from the Witness religion when the time was right.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    This thread pretty much affirms what I have thought and observed over the years.

    That there just is this consensus or mentality to kind of ''leave out'' or ''blackball'' perceived weaker ones within the congregations. I remember many comments during the WT study or weekly serve-us meetings, to be cautious or wary of perceived ''weak ones'' to limit association or befriending such individuals. A total reversal of how Christ would be toward anyone. Christ was impartial to everyone.

    Yes, those meetings were nothing but indoctrinal brainwashing sessions. They really don't want their 'herd' contaminated with independent thought or outside influence. Pretty much.

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    Ha! Ha! The joke was on them coz I deliberately refused all invites as these gatherings were none other than a crowd of free loaders off of those who do bring food/contribute money towards it all. People were puzzled(and disappointed as I always contributed delicious food and money towards these events as I am a decent person) as I passed these over to do my own thing than be sitting around either gossipping, talking behind each others backs, or boozing and getting to stupid tricks.

    Nah I aint got time for that so did my own thing , my way and enjoyed it so much better too (with better friends who really cared).

    I did it my way.


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    One still had to watch oneself at these so called gatherings as to outfit, to casual, worldly in their terms, jokes or laughs too worldly etc .Sometimes it felt like another meeting night with food n some tricks added on. All the clergy (yes they do have a clergy class)n their wives keeping their eyes on each one to see if they conform to jw ways at the gathering or are a little wayward/casual.(dunno how to express it)

    I had the meetings for that so why give another evening to this coat n daggers event!


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    I blackballed them all n felt good doing it.


  • stillin

    God loves me but He hates you.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    '' God loves me but He hates you.''

    Unfortunately, that's how the Borg mindset followers are. And, unfortunately I was at one time. If you don't look and do exactly what the others do, they see question marks. If you don't like the things the followers like, they see question marks.

    That's just how these groups work.

  • iwantoutnow

    Do you have kids?
    If you do or plan to have them, you ONLY job is to make sure they are not part of a cult.

  • solomon
    No kids, but if we did it would be up to them to choose if they want to be part of the cult.
  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    When I hit my teenage years I stated to notice the divisions in the cong.

    Doing your best just isn't good enough if you aren't at least doing the average.

    Even if you are a genuine dub, you can be treated like this and then they will still put it all on you if you withdraw because of the lack of genuine love. It's another way to control minds and behaviour.

    However, if you are a newly interested person, congregation members will literally line up to spread your butt cheeks apart and stick their tongue in as far as they can, just signal their virtue to everyone else.

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