I'm invited this Sunday to casual games, followed by a superbowl party. I'm genuinely looking forward to it. I do like my congregation, full well knowing I'm only a few months away from being categorically shunned. It's a strange spot to be in.
I'm realizing more and more how much I tend to view other JW's as interchangeable. Could it be that everyone has "the new personality" and that swapping one NPC for another makes no difference to the overall plot? One of the reasons why I've held on so long is because I thought I could never replace the community. However, after having moved away from my hometown last year, I find I don't really miss any of my old friends. Sure, I'd love to see them if they happened to show up, but these new friends have found ways to fill in the slots left by my old ones.
I can count on one hand the number of JWs that I will be saddened to never see again, people whom I really don't think anyone can replace. I wonder how many of my soon to be ex-friends feel the same about me.