Brainwashing left a stain

by Fadeaway1962 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Hi Fade-away. I recently lost a parent as well. Mom was baptized in 1942.

    I still believe that we were created in the image of an eternal Creator.

    Have you researched NDEs and Terminal Lucidity?
    I believe that we will be conscious forever .

    Experts cannot agree on the nature of reality. Materialists would like you to believe that they have the truth.

  • Sea Breeze
  • Fadeaway1962

    Thanks sea breeze

    Don't think that for me ,it's a bit like a sci fi book I read flashforward by Robert j Sawyer.

    Thanks for the thought

  • smiddy3


    As the saying goes "time heals everything" that I have found to be true and though I was a firm believer ,and the person I am now I would hate to think that I would ever have let one of my loved ones die because of the doctrines of a man made religion.

    One of my hobby`s/interest in life now is doing what I can to help people see the folly of Jehovah`s Witnesses and the problems with religion in general accepting the Bible as their pathway in life.

    italiancalipso I just posted on FB that`s what I want to hear at my funeral LOL

  • 1234

    Well, who says "you only have one life?" A big chunk the planet don't believe in that. Go to YouTube and type in "Reincarnation." Who knows many you will be seeing your loved ones again....

    I believe I will even see my old Jehovah's Witness friends one day.....boy wont they be surprised!

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Sorry for your loss.

    On the surface, the hope of an afterlife is comforting, and that is what pretty much every religion offers in one form or another.

    The cruel part about being a jw is that at some point, every jw believed they were never going to die. They were going to be a part of the special generation that lived forever.

    The reason it's cruel is because so many don't plan for anything, leaving themselves and, even more cruelly, their children unprepared and vulnerable.

    Since the 1870s, there have been quite a few of these last generations of jw's, who are no longer with us.

  • LongHairGal


    When I walked away from the Witness religion one of the first things I did was purge my mind of the JW paradise earth-everlasting life teaching. I felt it was a cruelty to my brain to keep telling myself this was real. I made peace with the idea of death. Before long I felt normal and I think I never entirely swallowed the JW teaching.

    Maybe the fact that I was raised Roman Catholic and joined the Witnesses as a young adult also made a difference in how easily I rid myself of this teaching. When I really analyzed it, the Witnesses DO believe in a ‘hereafter’. The difference is that they think it will be on a physical earth as opposed to Catholics who believe it’s in heaven..No wait! Witnesses ALSO believe in heaven..but only for some.

    All these stupid religions have variations of the same few ideas of what they think will happen after death. Why the hell should I make myself crazy over this???

  • Phizzy

    I decided soon after I left that I would lead an evidence based life. That meant I would only trust that something was true if it was backed by solid Facts and Evidence that would bear any scrutiny.

    This got rid of any beliefs, beliefs in the sense of ideas and opinions not backed by Fact.

    That totally freed my mind ! And finally I experienced true happiness, thoroughly enjoying the freedom of thought, and freedom to develop in to the Real Me ! The J.W Mind Control was completely gone ! All I have to watch out for is that my thinking and opinions are not being shaped by shysters and conspiracy theorists and the like, lots of them about, and I sometimes still fall slightly for that kind of stuff, if I'm not wary enough. I have to remind myself it is still necessary to look for REAL Facts and Evidence.

  • Fadeaway1962

    Thanks for your kindness and advice, I understand it will take time to heal.

    A family member who I shunned because they didn't marry in the lord and then celebrated Christmas when they had a family was there because of nessary family business, we were having a chat about things and I took the opportunity to apologize for how I treated them for over 20 year's expecting them to tell me to f##k off , but they accepted my apologies and hopefully we can move forward I know it will take time.

    Thanks again and take care

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