The paranormal.

by Lost in the fog 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Gabcol said, "...I freaked out and immediately prayed to Jehovah out loud. ( Since even mentioning his name would scare the demons away). "

    Perhaps my mind is failing me, but just for fun let me issue a "CITATION, Please!" challenge to you or anyone who wants to "defend your honor"...

    WHERE, precisely, in the scriptures or ant WT publication are we assured that invoking the (unpronouncable) name of ghod will scare away demons?

    Will you accept my "Game of Ghods" challenge?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas
    Xanthippe, so, are you a "believer" or a "non"? Declare yourself, Sire!
  • Onager

    caves8 hours ago

    Question, Why is that when the police cant find a murderer they turn to physics for drawings and/or information.

    I've known several people that do physic work with law enforcement.And actually nail the criminal.

    Humm? Can anyone explain this?

    Hi Caves, In answer to your question I imagine Physics has helped the police find murderers. :) It's Psychics that haven't. I know that they say they do, but they would wouldn't they? Can you link a non-psychic sourced account of a successful psychic intervention in a police investigation *That couldn't have been done by a non-psychic*?

    Also, do you know how many times psychics have failed when giving information to police? Times where they have said that the person is alive and well but they turned out to be already dead? Can you imagine the anguish of the relatives that put their trust in that information?

    I can't state categorically that psychic powers don't exist, but I can say that there are people out there who fake having them and they cause a lot of harm.

    (Hope the ghosts don't break my link too! :) )

  • Xanthippe
      • Xanthippe, so, are you a "believer" or a "non"? Declare yourself, Sire! -Nathan

        Sire? Not a reader of classical literature then? Try googling Xanthippe.

        are you a "believer" or a "non"? Declare yourself

        My post was not ambiguous, merely ironic. I see both sides of the argument for examining the paranormal and totally understand why many don't.

        My personal research into the paranormal over thirty years since leaving the cult has led me to the conclusion that mind is more than the brain and therefore the survival of consciousness after death is feasible.

        Simon's post here is exactly how I feel

    • The paranormal / supernatural is the same as magic - defying normal / rational / provable science
    • Many things do seem like magic, defying normal, rational, provable science. It has been like that since the dawn of time. Gradually we have found all things obey the laws of physics, they just seem like magic.

  • caves

    Onager- Opps, silly auto correct . That's funny to me.

    you said-I can't state categorically that psychic powers don't exist, but I can say that there are people out there who fake having them and they cause a lot of harm.

    Oh yes, their are so many fakers.

    I once went to this Psychic lady and gave her a different name and would not provide my birthdate or any information. After about 15 min she near had a melt down.

    I have also gone to another that refused to get my info and she nailed it.

    Another time this dreadlock hippie dude read my cards and it made no sense whatsoever at all.

    As far as links to where law enforcement has been helped, I dont feel like looking and debating it. Because its not that important to me. Just wanted others input on it.

    I believe in hoaxs, frauds, and the paranormal. But certainly agree that the majority of it is complete bull crap.

  • dynamiterose77

    I've looked into the police using psychics. When they have been used, it is usually an officer acting on their own volition. The departments themselves don't endorse it because it encourages loonies to call in with "tips" that they are obligated to look into, often spending much needed resources on dead ends. Also, psychic testimony is inadmissible in court and even if a department only follows it as a lead and finds something, it can be used against them. "well, how do you know the "psychic" isn't in on the crime and knew the info regardless?" etc.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The human perceptual system is a bitch.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    Gradually we have found all things obey the laws of physics, they just seem like magic.

    I'm thinking elegant computer code with some high tech mathematics, maybe some chaos theory, and fractals to express the complex with a very simple formula of some sort.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Xanthippe, you schooled me! Good on you! Classics was always my Achille's heal.

    (yeah, that was intentional.)

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