Response to "The Flood is Real, Because ..."
by Simon 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
road to nowhere
There are flood stories, true. Passed down orally. We can speculate on glacial dams breaking, earthquakes, lots of things. Mother of all tsunamis from a meteor? All within the last 5000 years? There is evidence of huge inland seas, but part if that evidence is a shoreline.
Some of the related stories dont fit. Mature olive tree? Clean animals defined before the law? Tower of babel having a huge population in 200 years? (Rabbits!)
My take on pyramids/ minarets is a migration for unknown reasons converging, disagreeing, and dispersing. Post Columbian records show a mobile society in america pushing each other out. Same for the world, look at DNA dispersal.
Once I thought I would ask resurrected people about it.
I believe there were vast oceans under the ground that burst open and flooded the planet.
Yeah, and Doug McClure sailed out riding on a raft ...
Anony Mous
There were floods that covered the world, the problem is that the world was defined as everything between the Euphrates and the Tigris. You don’t need the fantastical to create water, if all you know about the world is a few 100 miles large, everything that upsets your precarious situation is fantastical.
The early humans had experience with snakes, birds of prey and giant cats. Put all the most dangerous things together, sometimes with a human head, and you have the most dangerous creature of all, a dragon that embodies all the worst things you can find in the world, and as cultures shift, those dragon bodies become horse bodies in European, more snake like in Asian or whale and fish bodies in ocean-faring cultures, whatever seems strong and dangerous.
Sea Breeze
Were you aware that scientists have discovered a vast reservoir of water, enough to fill the Earth’s oceans three times over is trapped beneath the surface of the earth?
"If just 1% of the weight of mantle rock located in the transition zone was water it would be equivalent to nearly three times the amount of water in our oceans, Jacobsen said".“It’s good evidence the Earth’s water came from within,” says Steven Jacobsen of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.
Seems to fit the biblical explanation to me.Most secular scientists claim that Mars was once nearly totally covered in water.
Yet, despite much evidence to the contrary, these same scientists claim it is impossible for the earth to have one time been covered in water. That claim seems pretty biased to me.
Anony Mous
@Sea breeze: how come all water isn’t brackish water then? If this truly happened 6000 years ago, did the Himalayas suddenly rise? We know you need at least 50-to-500 of a species to allow for sufficient genetic diversity, how did everything survive?
If just 1% of the weight of mantle rock located in the transition zone was water it would be equivalent to nearly three times the amount of water in our oceans, Jacobsen said.
That isn't evidence of any free flowing water though or that there is that much water, it's pure speculation. The trick is the "if". Suppose I say:
If just 1% of the weight of rock located on the moon was gold, it would be equivalent to nearly three times the amount of gold in bank reserves.
Does this mean the moon is going to make us all rich? No.
You can condense it to something shorter that is nowhere near as convincing, but linguistically the same:
If there was 3 times as much water hidden in rocks within the earth as there was in the oceans, it would mean we had 3 times as much water within the planet.
Is that water going anywhere? Has it gone anywhere? No evidence whatsoever that has happened.
Sea Breeze
Is that water going anywhere? Has it gone anywhere? No evidence whatsoever that has happened.
The current research indicates that water is cycling, not only from the atmosphere but also from beneath the surface oceans as well.
All that water below Earth’s surface isn’t just sitting still: It’s cycling, pulled along as tectonic plates move. A big announcement came in 2018 from Doug Wiens and his colleagues at Washington University in St. Louis who’d been monitoring the Mariana Trench — a trough that includes the oceans’ lowest point, about 36,000 feet deep. There, the Pacific plate plunges far beneath the neighboring Philippine Sea plate through a process called subduction, carrying vast quantities of absorbed water with it to the upper mantle.
maybe the cangaroos could have hopped from Turkey's Ararat to Australia's Tasmania but how about koalas, with an eucalyptus lined road all the way?
The flood story being taught world wide, therefore it must be true, is an example of the Watchtower organization cherry picking it's logic.
The flood is taught in many belief systems worldwide, so Watchtower says, 'Doesn't that prove the flood must be TRUE, blah, blah, blah. Don't we have the truth.'
But the same is true of the Trinity teaching, which is taught in many belief systems worldwide, so Watchtower says, 'Doesn't that prove the Trinity must be PAGAN, blah, blah, blah. Don't we have the truth.'