There was a spike in new cases (in the US) a week ago, but new cases have been steadily declining the past 6 or 7 days. But the number of deaths related to it have been in a steady decline since mid-April.
The "spikes" are in the communities that don't listen or practice reasonable precautions. You can't sit in a circle passing joints or whiskey bottles. You can't live with 4 families or 4 generations in a 2 BR apartment. You can't pack like sardines into a bus or subway train.Refrain from hugging 100 different people at a wedding or funeral or party. You can't fix stupid!
You must use sanitizing wipes or hand sanitizer in public. Clean the shopping cart going in. Sanitize your hands going out. And don't pick your nose in between.
It's a new virus that is here to stay. Some people are still going to get it. Sadly, some of them will even die, but most will be "uncomfortable" for a week with flu-like symptoms. If you are in a high risk group, stay the f*ck at home or at least practice strict social distancing and sanitizing.