Is any of this stuff peer reviewed by actual scientists? It kind of seems like an incredible waste of time to both read and write if it isn't.
Evolution is a Fact - Index of Parts 1 - 40
by cofty 191 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Showing comparisons and similarities in DNA does not automatically equate that everything spawned from a common ancestor and down to spontaneous life.
If one was to write DNA code from scratch and design lifeforms, take the example of modern computer programming. Tell me who programs in binary today, using 01001110011000, starting at that point, to then come up with the most modern software today. Nobody. Core and shell parts of software and interfaces are used so as not to repeat the same crap over and over again, to be more efficient. So had life on Earth been by intelligent design, (God, aliens, spirits, other biological lifeforms, a person and we are all inside a computer simulation, etc), it would make sense for all to share DNA similarities to an extent.
Nimble duck
How did life originate?
1) Evolutionist Professor Paul Davies admitted, “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organized themselves into the first living cell.”2) Andrew Knoll, professor of biology, Harvard, said, “we don’t really know how life originated on this planet”.2 A minimal cell needs several hundred proteins. Even if every atom in the universe were an experiment with all the correct amino acids present for every possible molecular vibration in the supposed evolutionary age of the universe, not even one average-sized functional protein would form.
So how did life with hundreds of proteins originate just by chemistry without intelligent design?
Nimble duck
How did the DNA code originate?
The code is a sophisticated language system with letters and words where the meaning of the words is unrelated to the chemical properties of the letters—just as the information on this page is not a product of the chemical properties of the ink (or pixels on a screen). What other coding system has existed without intelligent design? How did the DNA coding system arise without it being created? -
Nimble duck
How could mutations—accidental copying mistakes (DNA ‘letters’ exchanged, deleted or added, genes duplicated, chromosome inversions, etc.)—create the huge volumes of information in the DNA of living things?
How could such errors create 3 billion letters of DNA information to change a microbe into a microbiologist? There is information for how to make proteins but also for controlling their use—much like a cookbook contains the ingredients as well as the instructions for how and when to use them. One without the other is useless. See: Meta-information: An impossible conundrum for evolution. Mutations are known for their destructive effects, including over 1,000 human diseases such as hemophilia. Rarely are they even helpful.How can scrambling existing DNA information create a new biochemical pathway or nano-machines with many components, to make ‘goo-to-you’ evolution possible? E.g., How did a 32-component rotary motor like ATP synthase (which produces the energy currency, ATP, for all life), or robots like kinesin (a ‘postman’ delivering parcels inside cells) originate?
So how did life with hundreds of proteins originate just by chemistry without intelligent design?
For some reason, many people like Cofty think that if the even entertain the idea that life could have been by intelligent design, then that means they would admit the god of the old testament is real and creator of the universe. They can't comprehend that intelligent design merely means intelligent design, whether by another biological lifeform, spirit, computer simulation, etc, it absolutely has nothing to do or prove any god of any religion. But they can't comprehend that, so they have 100% faith that it's all spontaneous or the god of the bible and that's it.
Nimble duck
How did new biochemical pathways, which involve multiple enzymes working together in sequence, originate?
Every pathway and nano-machine requires multiple protein/enzyme components to work. How did lucky accidents create even one of the components, let alone 10 or 20 or 30 at the same time, often in a necessary programmed sequence.Evolutionary biochemist Franklin Harold wrote, “we must concede that there are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the evolution of any biochemical or cellular system, only a variety of wishful speculations.”
Nimble duck
Why is natural selection, a principle recognized by creationists, taught as ‘evolution’, as if it explains the origin of the diversity of life? By definition it is a selective process (selecting from already existing information), so is not a creative process.
It might explain the survival of the fittest (why certain genes benefit creatures more in certain environments), but not the arrival of the fittest (where the genes and creatures came from in the first place).
The death of individuals not adapted to an environment and the survival of those that are suited does not explain the origin of the traits that make an organism adapted to an environment. E.g., how do minor back-and-forth variations in finch beaks explain the origin of beaks or finches? How does natural selection explain goo-to-you evolution?
Nimble duck
How did sex originate?
Asexual reproduction gives up to twice as much reproductive success (‘fitness’) for the same resources as sexual reproduction, so how could the latter ever gain enough advantage to be selected? And how could mere physics and chemistry invent the complementary apparatuses needed at the same time (non-intelligent processes cannot plan for future coordination of male and female organs).
Nimble duck
There are a hundred more questions like these that have been put to evolutionists. Not an answer from these self-inflated pseudoscientists.