Do you still believe in God?
by FormerlySandL 162 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yes but god fucked up with the test given to Adam and Eve they were destined to fail, trillions to one on they would fail as they had no appreciation of the consequences of their actions, fail from God, the Devil never made the test. -
Joe Pesci. Hollywood California. Via his Facebook fan club page. He might not answer though, he's usually busy
The most feasible description of God I've heard yet. You are a spiritual man.
Hi Acts5v29 you wrote: ""Man cannot survive without God's help"
Aren't humans clocking over 7 billion and climbing?
At this point that's the one thing we seem to be good at.
Besides that, were he to intervene, then one religion / race / nation / side would claim they had received his blessing, and other sides would only fight to avoid looking small.
Wait a minute. Didn't He do that already with the Israelites? So He has no problem with the idea.
More importantly... if God were to intervene, then the adversary could claim legitimately that God broke the rules in order to win, and taint Him as ruling by cheating.
But according to the Bible he had not problem intervening when it suited him. That's until modern recording equipment was invented and then he totally disappeared. Seems He's a bit camera shy.
Good morning FormlySandL,
I was never a JW, only introduced to the religion by the"Elder". I gave up on religion totally 16 years ago as they are all man made. I believe in God and I am very spiritual. About 40 years ago I asked a very similar question to your OP when I lost my first son. The best advise I received was a book, When Bad Things Happen To Good People by Harold Kushner.
It has helped me over the years to remember that God is not responsible for what goes on in our lives but is there to walk with us through our good times and lean on through our struggles.
I also have hanging on the wall in my bedroom a poem which I read every morning and night. It has been made into a song by an American country singer.
Footprints in the Sand
BTW, welcome to the forum and good luck to the rest of your life cult free I am sure it will be wonderful. This forum helped me a lot when the "elder" said good bye have a nice life after 5 years. With no warning, nothing just a bloody email.
So God DOES cares for us!
It's just that, it feels exactly the same as if he didn't really exist at all and doesn't give a shit about anyone or anything. Right. Got it.
Coded Logic
God could have simply wiped the early ones out and started again - but that would not have proved His contention, which was goaded by the adversary. So Man became independent, and that issue has to prove itself - God's intervention would only violate the terms. God cannot intervene until Mankind learns that it cannot survive on its own
-Acts5v29- What about when God drowned almost everyone on the planet in the flood, wasn't that intervention?
- What about the tower of Babel when God confused all the languages and spread everyone apart, wasn't that intervention?
- What about when God helped Judah kill 500,000 men, wasn't that intervention (2 Chronicles 13:15)?
- What about when he killed all the firstborn (including babies) in Egypt, wasn't that intervention?
- What about when God ordered the genocide of the Midianites, Amalekites, the people of Heshbon, and the people of Bashan - wasn't that intervention (1 Samuel 15:1-9, Numbers 31:7-18, Deuteronomy 3:3-7, Deuteronomy 2:32-35)?
- What about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, wasn't that intervention?
- What about God sending two bears to maul children to death for calling Elisha bald, wasn't that intervention (2 Kings 2:23)?
- What about God giving Jeptha victory over the Ammonites on the condition that he sacrifice his daughter, wasn't that intervention (Judges 11:30-39)?
- What about God giving Samson strength so he can kill 30 men for their clothes, wasn't that intervention (Judges 14:11-19)?
- etc.
Clearly God can intervene to cause destruction and death. And it's not just humans that experience suffering. It's also animals that suffer and die too. What about them?
Were God to intervene in a small way - heal a famine, abate a war, remove some dictator - we would rely on it and never actually learn
Ah! I see! So all those rapes and murders, all the little children who've been bent over and violated by the most depraved, diseased and violent men, all that starvation, illness, fear and depression - that's all worth it to prove how much we need our Heavenly Father?
You know, when I was a new Dad my little boy was about to put his fingers through the grille of an electric heater. I could've snatched him away in an instant but no, I let him place his toddler fingers onto the red hot elements. Oh, he screamed and the smell was awful. Lots of skin came away when I finally decided to pull him free and his hand is now disfigured for life - but what a lesson he learned.
He needs me, what a good father I am.
nicolaou et al,
I'm sure you can see the point and the issue really. If we understand it, then we don't feel torn to pieces when we see evil in the world, but if you really want an excuse to cast aspersions at God, you can reason as you are doing.
Nevertheless, when the climate crisis causes such disruption that we cannot cope, we will try every avenue in order to live - and the last one will be to call to God for help, as everyone does at some time. That time, when our entire race is threatened and the entire world's authorities call for help, that is when the issue of "Man cannot survive alone" will have been proved, and God's intervention will prove the second part - that God can make that survival happen.
So please if you wish: enjoy your mud-slinging - all it costs you is peace of mind and your willingness to reason.
People like you are a blight. The world is outgrowing your ignorance and evil-twisted mentality. Enjoy what little time you have left you sad, little crusader . . -
Amen Nicolaou. Willingness to reason? It's people like Acts that convinces me there is no God. Not if her delusional ravings are the best that God has to offer mankind. It's as if he/she/it has never read the OT before...