Antwerp, Belgium. Famous old buildings from 18 and 17th century...
How do you feel about identifying roughly where you are from ? Country, Region,State ?
by smiddy3 70 Replies latest jw friends
Atlanta GA!
<a href=""><img alt="" src=""/></a><br/>This photo of Lakes Entrance is courtesy of Tripadvisor<a href="
i tried ?
Bloody hell it did work I`m amazed ? Though I really only wanted to show a couple of relevant photo`s .
Oh well.
Ultimate Axiom
North Essex, UK - Witchfinder General country.
Lakes Entrance - home of Smiddy
My Name is of No Consequence
I'm from the great State of Pennsylvania, but now live in Ohio.
I'm from the great State of Pennsylvania
My Name .......
Sorry, but with liquor laws from Prohibition times and a narrow Turnpike that resembles an old country road .... well ... there are much better places. The Turnpike doesn't even connect into the main highway, I-95 without having to drive through somebodies backyard.
Narrow two lanes roads that should be widened ... but wait ... they can't do that because there is a tree in the way that George Washington or someone pissed on in some war that is now a monument.
They can do much better.
My Name is of No Consequence
Can't help where I'm from, RubaDub!
I thank you all for responding to the invitation to share with us where you are from and especially all of the photo`s that were sent.
It was a great response.
If anyone else wants to share your more than welcome
Greater Indianapolis area, formerly New York/ New Jersey