SE Michigan
How do you feel about identifying roughly where you are from ? Country, Region,State ?
by smiddy3 70 Replies latest jw friends
Central Fla, recent arrival from North texas.
Northern California
I'm from a place in the United States that we call "The U.P.", I dare say most Americans probably have no idea what that means, but Emma probably does.
Sail Away
Close enough to kayak around Tuxis Island in Madison, Connecticut, USA.
Live in Woodinville, Washington, USA. We're a few miles NE of Seattle. While a dub I lived in Pullman, Spokane and Bellevue; also all in Washington. A long time ago I grew up in Cooperstown, NY
road to nowhere
So you are a youper. See some of us pay attention.
Somewhere in the UK
I previously lived in Melbourne Aust. in at least 5 congregations then moved to S.E.Qld in the Redcliffe and Margate congs.
I do not know how to show what a lovely place I now live in ,Lakes Entrance Vic Aust......Anybody ?
Prague, Central Bohemia