So I was having this argument with a friend about the Westboro Baptist idiots. My point is that while they are horrible people, they are pretty much right in that the Bible is against gays because it has verses in both the old and the new testament. Which is one of many reasons to reject the bible as merely man-made rules from ancient middle-easterners.
And she argued that there are problems in translation, etc. and that the bible really isn't anti-gay. So I looked some of that up, which was a mixed bag.
Many people only look at Leviticus. And that can easily be dismissed in my opinion as laws for the Jews. And Christians can just say "But Jesus". And Jesus was an end to the Law and so on. Which allows them to dismiss all the goofiness like not eating shellfish or pigs or wearing 2 types of fabric, slavery rules, etc.
But there are verses in the new testament. (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Cor 6:9-10, 1 Tim 1:9-11) but many say these are mistranslated and incorporating the bias of the translators.
Like 1 Corinthians that says men who lie with men won't inherit the kingdom of god. Some people think it really means something different like effeminate men. What? Like that makes the bible any better? If you're not a manly-man, you don't inherit the kingdom of god? Or is it speaking about transgender people? Either way, it's poisonous bias.
And others try to twist this and that. The Romans 1:26-27 verses, I found a site where people say. No, no, no, this isn't gay people, it's going against your orientation that's bad So if you're straight, having gay sex it's a problem. Or if you're gay having straight sex, it's a problem. Or, another argument is that Paul was just saying these are examples of bad arguments, here's the stuff you shouldn't listen to. What? Man, the twists and turns people will do to make the Bible say what they want it to.
IMO, the bible is clearly anti-gay. And I'm NOT saying that being gay is bad. Re-read that before you go off on me. What I'm saying is that according to the bible it is and that makes the Bible bad.
It's been my conjecture that you can't, as a Christian religion, say that being gay is OK. That they are two diametrically opposed positions. That you can't just redefine the bible just for your own personal likes and dislikes. And, IMO, go with being gay and drop the Bible.
I know many people here know the bible well. What do you say? What does the Bible really mean?