Wrong Religion

by Vanderhoven7 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    We brainstormed a while back on this forum and pooled our knowledge on how to recognize false religion. I think the list is worth reviewing and adding to if possible. Please feel free to correct and or add insights of your own to this list:


    You know you are in the wrong religion:

    1. when the all important question is not: "Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ?"....but...."Do you believe in the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" appointed in Brooklyn in 1919?"

    2. when you will be refused baptism if:

    a. you don't believe Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BC (whereas all non-JW scholars, all encyclopedias and all history books say this event took place in 587 BC.)

    b. you, like Cornelius, are a member of the military.

    c. you, like Daniel, Joseph and the Ethiopian eunuch hold political office.

    d. you don't believe the apostles went door-to-door and that Christians are required to do the same.

    e. you believe that the majority of Christians running around today are not part of the New Covenant, do not have a heavenly hope, and are not Spirit-begotten or born again.

    f. you don't believe that finding and serving in the right organization (the one with headquarters formerly in Brooklyn, now in Columbia Heights ) is necessary to escape eternal destruction at Armageddon.

    3. when window-washing, JC Penny suit-wearing elders insist that THEY carry out and handle cases of child abuse and NOT the trained authorities.

    4. when your organization holds NGO status in the Wild Beast of Revelation for close to 10 years running.

    5. when your leaders have a 100% failure rate interpreting biblical prophecy...except of course when it comes to invisible stuff.

    6. when you must surrender your conscience to men.

    7. when independent thinking is labeled as sin.

    8. when you are to encourage everyone else to question their religion, but are forbidden to question your own.

    9. when you are told not to look into the past history, or failed predictions because that would not be " encouraging ".

    10. when your religion enforces medical quackery such as forbidding vaccinations or organ transplants.

    11. when you are forbidden to celebrate birthdays because thousands of years ago, someone died at a birthday party.

    12. when you are constantly told to wait on Jehovah for answers to your scriptural questions and doubts.

    13. when child victims have to jump through hoops to expose a pedophile

    14. when you have shunned your own children for the last 25+ years.

    15. when you just had to suppress the thought that you might be in the wrong religion.

    16. when the youngest of the final generation are over 107 years old.

    17. when you are denied life saving medical treatments.

    18. when you are taught to distrust your own thoughts.

    19. when you were told you didn't need college because you would not have time for a career in this system and now you a card carrying member of AARP.

    20. when you can't figure out the current teachings on which 'fractions of fractions of fractions of blood' are acceptable to Jehovah.

    21. when you find out that you and your wife made love in the wrong way.

    22. when all your friends stop speaking to you because you visit web sites critical of the Watchtower

    23. when you will be disfellowshipped (spiritually executed) if

    a. you don't agree that rejecting the authority men in Warwick is worthy of excommunication and shunning ex-JW family members.

    b. you disagree with any doctrinal position or change handed down from the current governing body in New York.

    c. you engage in any behavior that could be labeled as "brazen", and you refuse to "repent" when called before a kangaroo court.

    d. you allow your child to have a blood transfusion to save his or her life.

    24. when you casually say "i don't think the governing body is the true channel" the room gets quiet they all look at you pointing and screaming your cover is blown the alien controlled humans are chasing you the last remaining human who still has a human brain.

    25. when you see the words "Jehovah" and "Witness" juxtaposed.

  • jhine

    Sounds about right .


  • nicolaou

    You know you're in the wrong religion when you're in a religion.

    Seriously though Vanderhoven, if you're up for a respectful discussion I'm all for it.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Fortunately, the apostles made it easy for future generations of Christians to determine error:

    Galatians 1:8-9
    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
    As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    Anyone who claims to have new light or any other belief that the apostles didn't clearly teach is cursed.

    Pretty simple. I like simple things.

  • joao

    Very nice list!

  • Vanderhoven7

    @ Sea Breeze

    Right on. A bit of a gospel summary here

    If Jehovah's Witnesses are actually preaching the same gospel as the Apostles preached, then there should be no discrepancy in gospel:

    - content

    - nature of salvation

    - standing that salvation secures

    - benefits afforded by salvation

    - criteria for salvation

    - the hope or destiny of the saved


    1. The content of the genuine gospel is Jesus Christ and his work for our salvation in his death and resurrection.

    2. The nature of salvation that Jesus provides is justification.

    3. The standing that salvation secures relates to having received son-ship by the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit.

    4. The benefits of salvation/justification include the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, the forgiveness of sin and the assurance of eternal life.

    5. the criteria and means of salvation/justification is faith.

      We are saved:

    a. in Jesus alone

    b. by grace alone

    c. through faith alone

    d. in His blood alone

    6. there is but one hope of the Christian calling and that is reserved in heaven for every believer.

    @ Nicolaou

    Thank you for your offer to have a respectful discussion with me. But to be honest, I have no interest in discussing issues of faith with those who distain faith.

    @ jcoa

    Glad you like it. Please feel free to add to the list.

  • nicolaou

    So much for 'iron sharpening iron'. It's a shame.

  • Fisherman

    Everybody has a long list of complaints against the Bible, against Jesus, against God. But are they valid and who decides?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    A fortune cookie once advised, "He who knows doesn't speak. He who speaks doesn't know."

  • waton
    Everybody has a long list of complaints against the Bible, against Jesus, against God. But are they valid and who decides? Fisherman,

    note that Van der Hofen's list is not beefs against the scriptures, but deal with the ever changing "light" S.F, emanating from Columbia Heights. Brooklyn, War wick. NY USA. and their instance to remove dissenters, even if the objections raised, corrections suggested, are later taught as true food in due season.

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