"We made these so our kids would have wholesome toys" = "We've seen ministyideaz and others making money from JW type shit and want some of that action".
Need a Caleb&Sophia-doll?
by crazy_flickering_light 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ame SF
please no one give this to me as a gift.
Toy Story 4
Door closes and Sophia and Caleb come to life.
Sophia: "Oh no! We're gonna get dragged off to another boring meeting."
Caleb: "Let's jump out of the window into the yard and the bully next door can find us and destroy us!"
Sophia: "Yep! Gotta be better than a lifetime of meetings and ministry."
They hold hands and leap to their doom.
Maybe that's just a bit too dark for a young audience!
neat blue dog
That's demonic! Like the walking Smurf doll!
I want a Kevin doll.
It sounds like opportunistic JW`s who see an avenue to exploit their position in the religion to cash in on an opportunity as apparently others have done in the past.
I wonder if the GB comes down on them about copyright or something with this one , or if they get a commission for each sale .
You can survive Armageddon by avoiding demonic dolls, such as Sparlock.
Instead, CALEB AND SOPHIA are a fine provision, approved and tested by Tony III himself!
Children, you know what to do....