Stephen Lett looks like a crazed maniac in the March JW broadcast
by jambon1 29 Replies latest jw friends
Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
Reminds me of Robert Tilton.
No need to fear - but cheeses has returned. Overflowing with love.
MrHapply suggested some medical issue we are unaware of.
I do not like him for what he represents, in the past I have laughed at his presentation, however I am going with MrHs view, If I have to hear him for any reason, I will only have audio on. As with MrH just my view, carries no authority whatsoever.
the new Mr Bean
You never heard FRED Franz give a 45 minute talk for 2 hours, I take it.
I see that it is a spoof...............Fred was serious about his views of the future and my life on earth while he reigned in heaven.
I can't help but feel there is some disorder that he can't control, maybe akin to Tourettes. Surely he must realize how he comes across in the broadcasts.
Lett is a fucking joke. Even the "dubs" that like him compare him to Red Skelton! They like him in a sick fuck sort of way.
IDK, maybe we should bitchslap him with the joke he is? He really is a motherfucking joke!
He is such a "gay blade!' He reminds me of my brother-in-law who is so gay he would suck off anyone that had a hint of homosexuality. If you ever saw his wife you would understand why his gonads are so crushed. He is SO gay!
The only other times I've ever seen someone speak that way was when they were addressing small children with severe learning disabilities.
I am not making a joke.