A nuanced look at the world shows there is such a thing as "soft power" and economic clout. I completely agree that consumers (and by extension governments) have great power to influence change. If one supplier is guilty of abuses, and this becomes known through watchdog organizations, the pressure is on that supplier to change or lose business to a competitor who is willing to conform to norms.
I got robbed this morning!
by Iamallcool 36 Replies latest jw friends
If the cost to transport goods goes up because I stopped infrastructure being built, wouldn't it be my fault?
Yep, but the facts show that is not what happened. Canada has not reduced exports to US but increased them using existing pipelines with much more capacity available. That was explained before, perhaps go back and read the articles.
A nuanced look at the world shows there is such a thing as "soft power" and economic clout.
I think that's a lie that the democracy-interfering CIA peddle to you (they all work in major TV news now if you didn't notice). Of course they want you to believe that they don't interfere with democratic elections in the US or other countries, but we know they do. The morally bankrupt can sleep easier by believing the lie that its "soft power".
I completely agree that consumers (and by extension governments) have great power to influence change. If one supplier is guilty of abuses, and this becomes known through watchdog organizations, the pressure is on that supplier to change or lose business to a competitor who is willing to conform to norms.
Empty words. For some things there are not multiple suppliers - the economics demand the cheapest, not the most ethically sourced, and the supply is inherently dangerous to those involved. The choice consumers get to make is which system their dollars go to support.
Of course they are given misinformation, there's $$$ on the line.
I think that's a lie that the democracy-interfering CIA peddle to you
???? The Amnesty International report that exposed the cobalt mine conditions is now a CIA conspiracy to destroy democracy?
the economics demand the cheapest, not the most ethically sourced, and the supply is inherently dangerous to those involved.
Capitalism has that tendency. But consumers have shown a readiness to pay a little more for ethically sourced products.
As to safety, not many years ago the issue was the horrible conditions in coal mines. Improvement came when the public pressed for it.
The choice consumers get to make is which system their dollars go to support.
We agree and yet somehow you insist we disagree.
For some things there are not multiple suppliers
Not many. Currently about 50-65% of cobalt is from the DRC. That means 50-35% comes from elsewhere. There is a great amount of interest in cobalt potential in Canada for example. Further not all the companies active in the DRC are equally guilty of use of child labor. Child labor is a typical problem in third world and developing nations. It was for us.
???? The Amnesty International report that exposed the cobalt mine conditions is now a CIA conspiracy to destroy democracy?
Nice straw-man attempt, that's clearly not what I said.
Then I admit you lost me. I encouraged supporting watchdog organizations (such as amnesty international, whose report started this tangent we're on) and using our consumer leverage to press for change. You replied with that being some sort of lie perpetrated by the CIA and called it empty words due to misinformation.
I fear we're not moving in any constructive direction anyway. I hold that progress can and has often been made through public awareness and activism. You seem to be resolved the system is so corrupt and beyond reform there is no sense trying. We disagree.