Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?
by truth doubter 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Cain's wife had to be one of his sisters... if you believe in the Adam and Eve story as literal truth. -
In this hypothetical scenario, we also wouldn't have known the person we would otherwise be. So it doesn't really matter
No. The earth would have reached it's maximum capacity since the people back then used to breed like rabbits.
Rub a Dub
It's a fun question, regardless.
Back when I was still in and ostensibly "believed", I was - nonetheless - a fan of time travel stories and passingly familiar with the so-called "butterfly effect".
And (for the sake of argument) I did realize that if Adam and Eve hadn't "sinned", the course of human history would have turned out very different...
...which led me to the inevitable conclusion that I - and everybody I know - would most definitely not exist (needless to say, not a pleasant prospect).
As such, I didn't "hold it against them" as much as others seemed to. :smirk:
James Mixon
Mr. Billy Graham...."It would be exactly the way God meant for it to be", if A&E didn't sin.
Something smells with that statement, "the way God meant it to be".
Pete Zahut
Your son is talking about the Butterfly Effect and Chaos Theory where even the smallest of changes in the way things occur, can have far reaching effects in the universe and the flow of History.
All of us are here mostly by random chance. If our parent's would have had sex 10 minutes sooner or 10 minutes later on the day/night we were conceived, it's likely that another little sperm would have fertilized the egg and someone else would have been conceived instead of us. That's why its so hard for me to believe that just because we happened to come into existence via this random occurrence, that we were intended to live on and on for all eternity.
because Im assuming if everyone remained perfect, Able would have been alive, so there is a whole other family line.
Cain probably wouldnt have married the sister he did marry, so again another family line.
people wouldn't have died, so the same men and women wouldn't have got together.
and so in a perfect world, God would have only let so many humans populate the perfectly fertile paradise like planet, before he made earth 2 . we'd have wings, and we could fly there,lol
how about this,
what if adam did not sin? after all he didnt have to do what eve did. would he have been given another woman?
would she have been forgiven by god if adam asked?
would eve die and adam stay alive? or would adam have two wives? would eve have died faster?
would eve have children to adam? would the children been half good and half bad?
oh wow! thats what happened! one was good one was bad and so were both good and bad,lol
lets blame adam for all the mess he was here first, he should have known better, lol .
gee, its like, biblical back to the future.
James Mixon
Eve told Adam, I will cover my body if you don't bite (apple), and you will never touch me
again. What a man suppose to do? Tell God, you gave me this woman now look at her behavior.
We can't blame Adam, he never saw a woman before and all that God bestowed on her, she looked
a lot better than the sheep he was dating.
I know it is really hard for people that left the Witnesses to do this, but just try to not take the bible literally. There is a whole world of creation stories out there. The Adam and Eve story is just one of many, and it wasn't even the first.
My view of stories from the bible completely changed after I exposed myself to other ancient stories that were written around the time of the bible or earlier.
Esse quam videri
My mother married in 1947. She and her first husband had a son. My half brother. Mother goes on trip with toddler to visit family. First husband smokes in bed. Burns down the house and him with it. My mother marries again. Along I come.
I am here because some guy I never knew smoked in bed.
- A single guy goes to a dance. Asks the first damn that smiles at him if she wants to dance. He doesn't ask the prettier one, the more intelligent one, the classier one but the one that smiles at him. 10 years later they have a mortgage and 3 kids. Your one of them.
A single woman in the supermarkets deli section helps a dopey single guy pick out the best cheese to go with a red wine. 10 years later... well you get the picture. And your kid wants to know if he would be here if Adam and Eve didn't sin? Tell him he wouldn't be here if you made a right turn on First Ave instead of a left turn on Mar 1, 1974 at 7:00pm.