Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?

by truth doubter 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ucantnome
    Should we be glad Adam sinned? Because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.

    depends on what i sould have been

  • LostGeneration
    Its actually a good question to ask a JW if they show up at your door. Might get the hamster running on the wheel up there for a minute or two.
  • Finkelstein

    Yes because Adam and Eve are just figures of mythological fiction.

  • Vidiot

    Wild_Thing - "I know it is really hard for people that left the Witnesses to do this, but just try to not take the bible literally..."

    Unless, of course, realizing that Genesis wasn't literal was one of the main things that compelled us to leave in the first place... :wink:

  • talesin

    It sounds like your son was a Star Trek fan.

    Long before people were expounding on this forum about science, we learned about 'disrupting the space-time continuum' from Star Trek, which introduced us to modern scientific theory via the medium of television. Spock and his logic was a revelation, as well as his belief system (the good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one), and I have always felt half-Vulcan (Spock being one of my nicknames).

    The reason I bring this up, is that Star Trek (original) that I watched as a child, helped form my belief system that helped me flee the b'Org at age 18. There's even a book titled "Everything I Need to Know about Life, I learned From Star Trek" (or something similar, it's packed away atm, and yes I own it, hehehe).

    True equality, learning not to fear 'other', love of education and science, the arts, standing up for your principles, sexual freedom, they were all there. ; )

    ** edit:  The famous Joan Collins episode is a good example.  If Jim had saved her life, he would have changed history, and Hitler would have won the war.   Don't mess with the space-time continuum!  

    Live long and prosper.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Would I exist if my parents each didn't get all those childhood visits from the toothfairy?

    Really, it's just as valid a question.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It depends on who your ancestors are.

    If you were descended from Australian aboriginals, your ancestors would predate Adam by tens of thousands of years, so why would 'original sin' from another continent and culture apply to you and your Australian ancestors?

    They are not the only group with a history that predates the watchtower's version of the creation of humans.

  • Diogenesister
    Hey truth doubter! Well, you certainly got some interesting replies...which is what I think you were aiming for..a very good question for a JW kid, which just goes to prove that if we thought more like your average kid, cults would have a very hard time indeed!
  • stuckinarut2

    So I guess none of the GB would exist either?!

    or neither would CT Russell?

    Wouldnt that be interesting....

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    ucantome " Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?

    The Rebel:- How did Adan and Eve sin? The story is they were told not to eat fruit from a tree or they would die? They were given a choice. So they didn't disobay God. Instead they exercised a choice they were given by God. Therefore please explain what was the Sin?

    The Rebel.

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