Love Crazyguy's term "check out!"
GoneAwol - Awesome. Hope your hall isn't an isolated incident and certainly is a good start!
by konceptual99 43 Replies latest members private
Love Crazyguy's term "check out!"
GoneAwol - Awesome. Hope your hall isn't an isolated incident and certainly is a good start!
An elder in my congregation has dropped out the odd comment to me which I'm convinced he could only have got from here or a similar site.
However his entire family, wife, children, parents, in-laws, brothers, sisters etc are all JW's. He has so much to lose from a social point of view I just cannot see him ever making the move. I'm sure this is true of many others, including myself.
Great to hear that there are more and more who are either physically or mentally exiting from the cult.
A sad fact is that many "born-ins" who waken up will feel they have no alternative but to be "die-ins." :(
I think if or when the beliefs become toxic it becomes extremely difficult not to get some distance.
I reached a point lo these many years ago.......... when the smell of a fresh Watchtower made me nauseous. That and the strange public speaking cadence.
A few years later my Mother asked me to read a short article in a Watchtower......and it was just gibberish totally devoid of reasoning....... just assumptions. I was embarrassed for her.
Yes Konceptual, I think you are right, there are a few PIMOs in each cong and many if not the majority must have doubts which can be worked on by those who are PIMO. One way this can be encouraged to spread is by finding those who are awake and gently spread reason and logic in the cong defying the baseless gibberish of the JW org.
It seems to me from what my children do, is many young ones focus on non-JW interests for socialising and entertainment and put the religion on the back burner. When push comes to shove the tendency I'm certain would be to uphold the JW doctrines because this is their emotional anchorage point and part of the ethic of being and thinking like a JW, including being seen to conform.
However, things are changing and the gloss of the Org is wearing thin; the grasping for money, the admission of it being presumptuous to claim they are the only org God is using and not being guided by holy spirit... are changes which are greatly weakening their special case for loyalty. More and more they look like just another hollow money grasping TV evangelising cult.
So wouldn't the best thing be to discreetly seek out the others in the cong to build up a group of dissenters quietly growing in the background until they indeed become a significant voice?
Then all hell would break loose, think Ceausescu in Romania or even today's events in Zimbabwe celebrating the overthrow of Mugabe............ Stand up to tyrants like the GB and their self serving bluster!
What's ARC mean?
Australian Royal Commission (into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)
Thanks Freddo. I wonder how many U.S. JW'S are aware of ARC and what they think.?
Sorry to be so thick - but what is PICO??
K99.... in a recent post you shared how the treatment of some close family had quickened your exit, do you mind me asking if they have followed your lead and headed for the door? Or are they still stuck in?
PIMO is physically in, mentally out.
As for my family - no. They're still in, if a little bitter and jaded.