They ARE Waking Up

by konceptual99 43 Replies latest members private

  • UnshackleTheChains

    People are fed up being controlled. They are also dissillusioned by the constant changes in teachings. You don't need a PhD to work out that they are making things up as they go along.

  • RodrigoGuerreiro

    Yeah I agree with that too. It’s common to see that type of behavior specially on the younger ones (born ins).

    It’s became more difficult each year to express faith on a fundamentalist religion which positions are strange for the newer generations: a incondicional believe in the scriptures (literal interpretations) and some views like the opinion about the gay people.

    The greatest enemy of the watchtower is the new paradigm in the world when the people are more educated, prone to asking things and more tolerant. You can see the strategy of the WT to try to adapt to this “new world”, one example is the constant approach to the “how to reply when asked about the homosexuality”

  • baldeagle
    The number of adult healthy males that attend meetings but refuse to qualify (PIMO) to become as much as a MS, never mind an elder is truly astounding. These men attend and warm up a seat for a variety of personal reasons but all the talks and videos encouraging “reaching out” are having very little impact, particularly with the Millennials.

    The relentless demonizing of higher education and the constant reminders of shunning your family has gone beyond anyone’s personal comfort zone, families are truly sick of it.

    It’s been said here before that the WT leaders presenting themselves monthly for everyone to see has backfired. The mystic is gone; individuals can clearly see their failings, poor speaking skills, and insincerity.

    Extreme apathy is doing more damage than any group of apostates can!

  • Finkelstein

    Propagating fear mongering Bullshit like what the WTS has done for over a 100 years was due to run out of legitimacy.

    You can only lie and deceive people for so long , then the shit hits the fan

  • konceptual99

    Complete coincidence but I was talking to someone I know who has doubts and we are pretty open with each other. He was telling me that in his cong there is another brother who has faded with all the typical questions and comments about the current state of play in the WTS.

    So in an average congregation of approx 100 publishers I suspect it is not pushing the boat out to suggest that there is at least 2% of them that are PIMO and perhaps another 2-3% that have serious doubts.

    As baldeagle says this is being seen in the apathy of the adult males as well.

    Again, it's no where near a critical mass that threatens the WTS but I think over time we could see the malaise grow.

  • Dunedain

    I can say for sure, that more and more are fading and "waking up". The "air" in the halls, is that something is just not right with the Org. Yes, you still have the hold outs, that shake their heads up and down, without a single thought for anything other than whatever the GB says.

    They cant allow themselves to "go there" mentally, and just keep swallowing the lies whole. It would almost be almost unthinkable for them to think for just a second, that the Org is failing, or having financial difficulties, or the many other issues its having.

    That being said, MANY others, are realizing that something is VERY wrong in paradise. My old cong that I grew up in, was bursting at the seems a little over 30 years ago. It grew so much, that they had to split, forming two VERY large and thriving congregations.

    Fast forward now, and both of these same congregations have been so reduced in numbers, publishers, attendance, and activity, that they have now JOINED back together, 30 years later. They are now one single congregation again, and this joined cong of 2, is still LESS members than what 1 was, when they first split over 30 years ago.

    Its VERY telling. Mind you, these congs are not some far off, small town, rural place. This is in a borough of NEW YORK CITY, 20 minutes outside of Bethel. These congregations was "gems" of the org, over 25 years ago. They had Bethel heavies as permanent members. There were full Elder bodies in BOTH congs of over 12 to 15 Elders in each. Now, even after combining back, there is barely a full Elders body.

    Its a joke, the internet, and flip flopping doctrine changes, have destroyed them. The generational BULLSHIT, is a huge "Ah ha" moment for a lot. I have a family member who is a "mole" in this now combined, splinter congregation, and this person verifys that it is a JOKE now, a shadow of what it used to be. Its a poor imitation, of what a congregation used to be. The combining back of what was once 2 HUGE Halls, is now a pathetic attempt to form 1 Hall.

  • LV101

    Enjoyed reading your post, Dunedain. It could be interesting in the next few yrs/decade - doubt it will be fatal for the cult but they might be feeling some negatives these days.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    @Dunedain, How could anyone make up, let alone make such crazy making idea that one (1) generation... just keeps on merrily rolling along??? Pure pull it out of where the sun don't shine, nonsense!

    Especially now with people researching their family history,, doing their DNA etc., EVERYONE knows one generation means grandparents=1 generation, their children=2nd generation, their children=the 3rd generation! Only MORONS could have thought up WT/ twisted reasoning.

    WT/ you are WRONG and idiots to boot!

    (Guess I got that off of my chest)

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Seems like the Governing Body's directives to only consider males as marriage mates that hold a position in the congregation has back fired on them as well as the encouragement of the baptism of very young preteens to hang on to them with the threat of Disfellowshipment from leaving.

    Seems like everything the GB touches is turning into shit right before our very eyes.

    No doubt their latest money grab has really hurt the future of getting anymore from the faithful drones as they are probably all afraid to contribute lest the GB decide to confiscate them with another desperate money grab in the future. I bet Circuit Assembles are no longer profitable after the last grab as the faithful show their disgust in a non traceable way of giving/not giving anonymously to anything that has the Societies name attached to it.

  • BluesBrother
    Dunedain4 days ago4 days ago

    "I can say for sure, that more and more are fading and "waking up". The "air" in the halls, is that something is just not right with the Org. Yes, you still have the hold outs, that shake their heads up and down, without a single thought for anything other than whatever the GB says"

    I hope you are right, Dunedain.... For too long they have been victims of the gullibility of Boxer in "Animal Farm"

    ". Boxer, who had now had time
    to think things over, voiced the general feeling by saying: "If Comrade
    Napoleon says it, it must be right." And from then on he adopted the
    maxim, "Napoleon is always right," in addition to his private motto of "I
    will work harder"

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