Another example of the smothering and high control nature of JW husbands

by stuckinarut2 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @wallsofjericho I know @stuckinarut2 in person and he would have to be one of the most upbeat, inspirational, positive ex-Witnesses I know of. I think his example of accepting your critique with an open mind and class is evidence of that.

    This site allows us to get things off our chest so we can grow, not just as a community, but as individuals. Sometimes a good vent over the bizarre observations we make can help us do so : ).

  • LongHairGal


    What you experienced on FB at the hands of Witnesses is extreme and outrageous and sounds like a very in-depth campaign to get dirt on you.

    Boy! Some brown-nosed Witnesses were sure busy scrutinizing your whole account with a magnifying glass.

    This explains why I have unfriended all JWs with the exception of one (who is really out). But, even in this person's case, there is one album they cannot see. My timeline is not public and there are just a few photos visible plus some Liked pages which are neutral.

    Let the JWs try to hack into my account if they want to see more.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @LongHairGal It was a total smear campaign marked by gestapo tactics and clandestine intelligence. I would cry to my parents about how invasive it all was at the time (I was 18 years old). My mother would insist that the elders were doing this out of "love" for me. "Don't you think they're busy with their own lives?" she'd reason. "They have so much to do, yet they make the time for you. You should be grateful."

  • jp1692
    Wake Me's mom: "Don't you think they're busy with their own lives?" she'd reason. "They have so much to do, yet they make the time for you. You should be grateful."

    See, if the elders would "get a life" and mind their own business we'd all be happier!

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Ummmmm....actually I have seen this in plenty of non-JW's as well. A friend of mine has a joint facebook account due to his wife, saying she would prefer it.

    So controlling?.....yeah i think so. because of being a JW? nah.

  • zeb

    another reason to avoid 'social-media'..

  • SAHS

    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho: The last straw was when the elders showed up at my parents' place with a manila envelope with print outs of my gallery. Every. Single. Outfit. was scrutinized, criticized and deemed "unfit for a sister". The locations of the pictures were highlightea , along with the time stamps (22:13 at a bar in the city? Is that Christian? Holding a drink on a Saturday at 15:47? Should Witnesses be day-drinking? This leads to drunkenness by the evening!).

    The police should be contacted about this serious invasion of privacy! This is unacceptable in this modern age of basic human rights and dignity.

    As it is, the federal govereveryone should ensure that everyone has fair and equal access to fundamental justice and liberty. Otherwise, why want to be be here?

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    @SAHS I guess the elders' reasoning would be that I was the one who exposed myself to the online sphere, therefore I should be open to critique (more like stalking). That was nearly ten years ago, but I'm still affected to this day (hence my lack of social media presence).

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