Instead of sticking to the facts that
A) a very extrem political splittergroup of the turkish nationalist youth party "Grey Wolves" known for greeting or saluting each other like all turkish nationalist with the "wolve" handsign (and for once attacking Pope John Paul II with a bullet) influenced people in the "mosque" in a basement. However this group splitterted from the orginals because they were yet to tolerate. Here in Vienna little children began to salut with the wolve sign and so under suspicion that here extrem subversive ideas inmidest of Vienna were supported and influenced by this far right extremists, after the avtivity was tolerate over years, now the publicy preaching in the underground mosque was forbidden, however the association itself is not forbidden, they are normal citizens after all, haveing families, paying taxes and sucking icecreams.The people that visited the mosque are not persecuted at all. But they are protesting because they like their assembly room. Who only have some subversive messages in their heads, certainly pan-turkish dreams of pre-eminenc and dislike Kurds. It was the islamic community itself that reported this case to the authorities. = 1 mosque closed.
B) The so called "arabic community" is dissolved. = 6 mosques, for salfast statements. Between the mulsim community the the arabic and muslim community is now an intensive legal battle over the subject who is saying what and who is right and they are blaming each other. The arabic community consists fo 1000 members from Egypt and Czechenia and they transmits the message of the Egyptian salafist.
C) the third part of the story are the imams who get money from abroad and have no income in Austria are not allowed any more. It could be that 150 persons and families are concerned.
instead of this the Turkish President uses this in his election battle and after calling this instantly discrimination, rassistic wave today goes so far to see a possible war between christians and muslims in Austria, (well knowing that only stupid ones in his country will believe such things and applause him for this courageous warning and loyality to his nation) verbally attacking the austrian councelor "You are responsible" and that he he is too joung to understand and should immediatly fastly withdraw this erring decision, Meanwhile the mosque associations in Austria conquer about leadership. These are critical times after all. Perhaps the next world war comes again from Europa and we are close to Armageddon and Erdogan changes his attitude conceringin Evolutiontheory or dicovery of America.