Ladies: Circumcision or not?

by Wonderment 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210

    Its not how the pen looks, its how well it writes.

  • nicolaou
    It's abuse.
  • the girl next door
    the girl next door
    Bald avenger, Hooded monster. What's not to like?
  • DesirousOfChange

    Its not how the pen looks, its how well it writes.

    Image result for WE HAVE A WINNER!


  • Simon
    No big deal. I don't think it's as abusive as being in a cult and being shunned.

    Wow, so you mutilate your child's genitals and don't see any problem with it? Then imagine that someone not talking to you is worse?

    Unless there is a medical need, I don't want some stranger touching my kids wing-dang-doodle, especially any "priest" or other religious type. Yeah, nothing ever went wrong there did it ...

    Why cutting them with a knife makes it more acceptable to you is simply unimaginable to me.

    Many people say the penis is cleaner and less susceptible to infection without foreskin.

    Only religiots say that - it's an invented claim IMO. Millions of years of evolution says it's there for a reason.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Many people say the [circumcised] penis is cleaner - a regularly-washed intact penis is just as clean as a regularly-washed circumcised penis.

    This supposed circumcision is cleaner nonsense just won't wash ...

  • Crazyguy
    The Egyptians started this practice and then the Jews. Some say it was a right of passage but I don't think the reason is clear. Maybe in the desert sand can be a bitch if it gets in the wrong spot.
  • Sabin

    So that useless bit of skin at the end of the penis is called the foreskin? I always thought it was called a man!

    Seriously, I cant believe that any woman would have a hang up about it. WTF. Isn't it about the person. Quite frankly I couldn't give a rats arse weather my husband was or no. I love him for himself. I would not have my son circumcised if I had one unless it was necessary. I don't like the idea of putting a child through needless pain. However I grew up in one culture others grew up in another & guess that is what your indoctrinated with, we all know what that is like.

    I'm interested though to ask do many of the JW's in America have their sons circumcised? If so, Why?

  • Question_Mans_interpretation

    I really really DID NOT want to have my first son circumcised. I thought it was unecessary but my husband did not want his sons to feel different from him since he was circumcised and since we were full blown JWs at the time I had to submit. Being post partum and emotional i cried hard after it was done. It was so distressing to hear my son screaming, even now thinking about it I cringe. Of course I ended up having all boys so I had to go through it 2 more times! Although it got easier with each one.

    As far as preference I don't have experience with uncircumcised but I have seen porn videos of uncut and I will say it looked like the ladies struggled more giving BJ'S with the extra skin so maybe I feel fortunate to have a circumcised hubby.

  • scary21

    I've had quite a few boyfriends in my life, more then I care to remember. I have never seen a uncircumcised penis.

    If the guy only lasts 2 min. before he comes, if it's more sensitive does that mean like 30 seconds.

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