The problem is that it has been a politicized issue for decades, now. As I understand it, the scientific consensus is that the planet is getting warmer and that human activity is contributing to that warming to some degree.
This has been used to promote ideas like there being only ten years before we enter an irreversible loop that will end all life on the planet, and other over-the-top warnings meant to force climate legislation through. Not suprisingly, this has lead to a pushback from people who are suspicious of any explanation of how humans are affecting the climate. Extremism begets extremism, basically.
Aside from a possible increase in severe weather events and a slight rising of sea levels, I am not sure what the potential outcomes are, per actual scientific research, because there is so much crap being flung all around. Demanding that nations implement 'climate plans' (that will cause problems with energy production and increase costs while providing less power) when there isn't a clear explanation of the What, Why and How is a sure way to prevent actual progress, which we are seeing as nations fall short of climate goals, or simply ignore them.
Angry teenagers shouting slogans isn't how you deal with a problem like this.