Latest Circuit Assembly Money Assault!

by eyeuse2badub 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Probably not new to many of you but I'm gonna post it anyway!

    I went to a circuit assembly last week at the Fremont, CA assembly hall in Fremont, CA to be with my wife so she could be there to 'witness' the baptism of a person she "studied" with about 2 decades ago!

    At the main entry to the assembly hall there are 3 or 4 large double door entrances. Ten feet inside and directly in front of each entry, in the foyer were very conspicuously located contribution boxes with 2 sisters posted on each side of each of the boxes. It was absolutely impossible to miss the blatant message! In addition there were 2 ATM's also located in the foyer with a sister posted at each of the ATM's. At least 3 times during the day all were reminded from the platform about the contribution arrangement. Damn it would have been very embarrassing to me if I were still a jw to see and hear all that!

    What's next? Setting up a little red kettle on a tripod outside and having some sisters ringing a little bell? It ain't that far off!

    just saying!

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I used to have a string of sisters. The boxes were dumped and counted by brothers only. The sisters could straighten bills and sort only. If you have ever been involved with WT money you know that the most honest people on earth cannot be trusted. What i have really observed is a complete honesty by most people, they will not steal given an opportunity

  • Spiral

    Thing is, those of us that grew up in the 60s - 80s (and before) remember how "the Society" would always say tht they wouldn't ever tithe or openly beg for money (including passing the plate on Sunday). So seeing this blatant focus on contributions seems shameful to a lot of us.

    But the younger generations and the truly brainwashed don't remember or choose to remember those statements about asking for money (and not being like "Babylon the Great") so they wouldn't find any of this strange.

    I do think tithing is coming, in some fashion.

  • Tameria2001

    Spiral, I don't think it will be tithing, but rather membership dues.

  • joe134cd

    I can see there been some sort of subscription fee (perhaps just a few dollars but it certainly won’t be free) imposed in order to access JW.borg. They gotta do something when you are running out of money.

  • Spiral

    @Tameria and Joe, those ideas make sense. A "fee" or "membership" (just like online newspapers, etc.) would be far more palatable to the average JW than saying "tithing" or "required" donation, etc. Whatever it takes to bring the money in.

  • RubaDub

    I can see there been some sort of subscription fee

    joe134 ...

    Yes, I could easily see the online site with two sides, one for the public (free) and one with the "deeper truths" for a monthly fee (let's say 3-5 dollars). All publishers would be expected to have the premium service.

    This alone would guarantee a steady stream of cash coming in each month.

    Rub a Dub

  • Diogenesister

    very conspicuously located contribution boxes with 2 sisters posted on each side of each of the boxes........

    ................clad in nothing but the latest watchtower HOT off the press!....let the reader use discernment!!

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Yes I used to go that hall. The first time they openly used credit cards, the bros were sitting at tables with a small machine hooked up. They looked embarrassed.

    Are you now saying they have actual ATM there?

    The Pharisees of old are smiling with approval.

    Image result for pharisees

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I believe that. But, the religion won’t call it ‘tithing’ but something else...It will be a distinction without a difference.

    The religion is unrecognizable from what it used to be!

    I wouldn’t be able to stand their never ending appeals! But, this is the new normal in the JW religion and I cannot imagine anybody still going there.

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