They have a donation arrangement, and I intend to take advantage of it by donating exactly what they deserve. Which is nothing.
Latest Circuit Assembly Money Assault!
by eyeuse2badub 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What about " you received free give free"?
Pete Zahut
In addition there were 2 ATM's also located in the foyer with a sister posted at each of the ATM's.
Why would they need a sister posted at an ATM?? Is she there to make them feel as if someone is seeing how much they donate or if they are pretending to donate? Maybe she's there to collect PIN numbers LOL !
I remember when the idea was that when you'd make a contribution, you wouldn't want to be conspicuous about it. I can't imagine standing in the foyer of an assembly hall and using an ATM. I imagine there are those who like being seen standing at the ATM. I wonder of you can make a withdrawal?
road to nowhere
The atm is difficult to figure 1st time, so sister is to help. It is not a cash machine. Theh cover it during sessions so if yoy dont remember to use if at break too bad
Pete Zahut
. They cover it during sessions so if yoy dont remember to use if at break too bad
Lest Jesus show up and overturn the money machine in his fathers place of worship.
Now I better understand when I entered the assembly hall the last time, instead of some kingdom songs, they were playing the old song by the O'Jays 'Money, money, money, money"
Rub a Dub
My father is so deluded he tithed his entire working life and even into his retirement.He would donate the entire proceeds of his hobby, selling plants and flowers, to the BORG not even holding back an amount the Gov't would allow pensioners to earn. I should do the math one day, be a lot of money; over 60 years a WT slave.
Now he and Mum are frail and when I ask how many of the "friends" come to help them I am met with silence or excuses on behalf of the missing "friends".
Let's review; it's a cult!
Theh cover it during sessions so if yoy dont remember to use if at break too bad
But it’s still there....
JWs are like Like toddlers covering their eyes and thinking you can’t see them
I attended an International Convention in Hamburg Germany in 2006. I was shocked to see the brothers manning credit card machines for donations.
Gotta wonder how many go into debt to keep up their donations?
Snakes (of the "kept the plastic in his wallet" Sheep Class)
I don’t blame you. Their policies ruin people’s lives in many cases.. I don’t care how well-intentioned anybody was.
What saved me was my not being born-in and being independent..I cannot lightly dismiss what I experienced and there have to be consequences..I could see people giving to organizations that actually help people or do a service to the community..The JW religion gives NOTHING.. And their ‘free bible study’ doesn’t cut it and is really an indoctrination into their beliefs.
In fact, they hamper people by discouraging education and instilling phobias. So their value is minus zero as far as I am concerned. So many people have lived and died who were damaged by this unaccountable vacuum of a Doomsday religion of Users that gives nothing.