Thanks wifi I don't know what we would do without you!
RC 2017
by wifibandit 144 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wonder if they will pull another paradise clip, only this time using Chicane ft. Brian Addams as the backing tune!
"the end is imminent"
2017 Convention Drama
Fri - 3:05 DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot — Part 1
Sat - 2:35 DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot — Part 2
Sun - 1:50 DRAMA: Remember the Wife of Lot — Part 3UK Mirror Newspaper, 6 May 2017
Girl who was abused by dad for five years asked Jehovah's Witnesses for help - but got molested by church elder too
She says: “Dad did it whenever he got the chance,
“We went to a Jehovah convention when I was about 14 and he tried to rape me in a tent. He was only interrupted when an elder shouted him from outside.”
She explains: "I’d heard Bible stories about Lot having sex with his daughters and I was so confused I didn’t know if it was right to have relations with my dad. I was so naive I was still playing with toys and Lego at 18." -
Room 215
And what about supporting and rehabilitating the victim?
Richard Oliver
The 2018 convention theme will involve courage. The first and last video is of Anthony Morris and he speaks on the themes of 2016, 2017 and teases the theme of 2018.
Looks like the Convention Videos have been 'leaked' in preparation for this weekend....
another one I'll miss , that will be the 22nd
Thanks darkspilver!
I told my wife that there is a talk about "Learn Endurance From A Camel" , since I found it kind of quirky and interesting. We guessed it was about the camel's ability to endure the desert.....
She guffawed in derision..... "But a camel is designed for it, he has the body to is not endurance for him!...Silly Billies! Can't they see that?"
"Er , yes, you are right..." I said ,wishing I had thought of it like that . She is a smart gal sometimes , I just wish she could see the big picture....