JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
Yeah, and dozens will get baptized. lol.
by Drifting Away 31 Replies latest jw friends
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
Yeah, and dozens will get baptized. lol.
JW Witness carts cause thousands to start studying... their shoe laces until they've walked right past the religious fanatics without making eye contact.
i wonder how many thousands of dubs have quit the cult since the carts were introduced.
Do you think one day, one on one study on the net?????
"My impression is that 90% or more of "cart witnessing" interaction consists of other JWs recognizing the cart & going up to the "on-duty" JWs and conversing with them."
I've heard some comment that the group who is the most enthusiastic in wanting to engage the JWs in their cart work are "apostates". Sadly, this most enthusiastic "group" is not welcomed by the JW trolley protectors.
But, yes, I have not yet heard of one person being "converted to JW org through the cart work.
Has JW org ever made any claims about the effectiveness of the cart work?
Has JW org ever made any claims about the effectiveness of the cart work?
There are scattered reports occasionally in the yearbook about a cart set up in this or that remote corner of the earth, and how something like 8,643 magazines get placed in 24 hours or something like that.
But it's never any place you've ever heard of, nor can it be verified in any way.
Given the sheer ubiquity of those carts, and the fact they've been around for 2-3 years now at least, you'd think that if they were having any sort of measurable success, news would be blasted out at every assembly & convention and there'd be dozens if not hundreds of experiences in the CLAM and/or Watchtower mags.
But, there's pretty much zippo so far.
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
As said before, never see dubs talk to anyone but to each other. Just came back from Italy and seen them in many different towns with their cart full of literature...never seen anyone ever stopping,not even interested in making eye contact with anyone.
Nice and easy way to count time.
Don't know how many people actually even take mags and tracts from carts and booths. I saw a lady at a JW booth once pick up a mag, realize what it was and drop it like a snake bit her. She couldn't get out of there fast enough.
If the time is so URGENT, and lives are at stake, then why is the ministry and cart work so PASSIVE??
It is almost as if the witnesses WANT people to miss out and DIE!