I have wondered if the carts may have the opposite effect as making jw.orgers more open to apostates. In the D2D work it very easy to avoid an apostate with a notation (DNC slip). On the street this is impossible to do and a lot harder to walk away when been openly challenged in a public setting. I must confess I have been itching to go and challenge a person at a cart. I'm just scared to been recognized.
JW Carts Cause Thousands to Start Studying!!!
by Drifting Away 31 Replies latest jw friends
A year or so ago, they showed up periodically outside a local shopping mall, but not highly visible. They did not at all stand out. It is a major drop-off and pick up area for shoppers. I discreetly observed them and no passersby even looked in the direction of the cart, let alone stopped. It is now several months since I last saw them there. I wonder if the novelty of the cart work has worn off?
I'm thinking it must be dead boring to stand beside the carts as people passby not even looking in your direction. Sure you can chat with one another and get on your phone but really, is that what you'd want in the longer term?.
I approached a young JW couple there once and they looked decidedly surprised and uneasy - they didn't recognize me and came across as awkward and unprepared. Listening to their mannered spiel took me back to my miserable youth and I realized what sad locked thinking they displayed without a skerric of curiosity about others' beliefs or points of view. I didn't ask them difficult questions and was super polite and friendly.
They seemed relieved when I wished them well and left. Man, what a pathetic witness they gave. This is what it has come to, huh?