Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?

by MicaSmith 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LostGeneration
    The doctrine is what happens when you get caught lying, but instead of fessing up and admitting you lied, you stack another lie on top of it.
  • prologos

    Even without the overlap, the wt generation theory is wrong. The first century generation did not pass away before the destruction of Jerusalem; but wt says that the anointed generation will pass away before the destruction at Armageddon.

    Trouble is, if you say otherwise, question this teaching, it is not just a theory, but truth cast in stone, you will be disfellowshipped.

    what does it really mean? It means using the Frederick Franz example, Armageddon would not come until ~ 2075.

  • Finkelstein

    Good description LostGeneration

    These pretentious calculated lies were devised to support the preconceived 1914 lie.

    In some point in time the GB will say well we are just imperfect men that went too far in expectation of the Kingdom

    to come. Which will be another self a facing lie for they knew what the WTS had been doing is cultivating followers (saved Sheep) by making up decisively corrupt but alluring doctrines.

    Weird how Jehovah god had chosen lying charlatans running their own publishing house as his earthly organization.

  • mana11

    It means that when you spent the best part of your life living a lie that proved to be false, they had to make a change to cover their butts so they didn't look stupid.

    They came up with ultra stupid, but you are not supposed to understand it, you are supposed to agree as you are a sheep.

    If they cannot explain it how can we?

  • Simon

    Putting people in boxes as "generations" is convenient but meaningless without context.

    Normally we talk about a certain 'generation' in relation to some event or moment in time, like "baby boomers" or "millennials" but there is no set group really. People are being born at a fairly stable rate all the time - whether you belong to some arbitrary grouping based on your year of birth really is arbitrary.

    All generations overlap - the generations within your own family are completely out of sync and independent of the generations of other's families although we all share notions of "grandparents" and such but there can be huge differences.

    But one thing is certain, when the generation is defined, as in "the generation of woodstock" it means a certain thing.

    When "that generation will not pass away" there is no room to interpret it as anything other than what it obviously means unless you have a real reason to add FUD in order to confuse things ... because your previous prophetic claims painted you into a corner.

    This generation of WTS leaders really are lying and dishonest ... but of course that means all of them, overlapping since the beginning.

  • sparky1

    Here is the simplest explanation of 'overlapping generations' without the use of confusing charts!

  • JWdaughter

    Why'd they do it? Desperation

    Why't they get away with it? They are the shark jumping religion and have gotten away with telling people to die rather than buy a political card or take blood. To DIE if necessary so that they can distribute MAGAZINES! To go to prison rather than be a nurse for the government during a time of war.

    They get away with whatever they tell their minions. It's often tragic. This one is just stupid.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The overlapping generation doctrine means that since 1995 the WTBTS has been making up shit as they go along.

    The more time passes, the more they have to change positions on just about everything.


  • redpilltwice
    The mystery of the holy trinity has a contender in the overlapping generation teaching. Don't think...accept!
  • Pistoff

    What WT is trying to do is change the definition of generation to one shared by no one, not even the WT of old.

    What they are describing, 'a generation of two groups that overlap' is 2 generations.

    As in, the 2 generations in the 'generation gap' of the sixties, the parents and their children.

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