Confused: What does the overlapping generation really mean?

by MicaSmith 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ttdtt
    It means they can keep this thing going for another 40 years without having to change it again.
  • punkofnice

    The generation(tm) all died, that saw 1914. Armageddon(tm) didn't come. The watchtower corporation is just hanging on by the skin of their teeth to keep people 'in' and contributing assets and money. this is so the governing body can protect their like minded sexual perverts and live as rock stars.

    No one NEEDS to understand the overlapping generation(tm) nonsense.

    This is a clear case of 'baffle them with bull schlaken' from the corporation.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Yeah its about contemperaries.....let us confuse you with bullshit....hope you do not notice.

  • Xanthippe
    Thanks pixel and JWFacts also. You can see how they gradually are leading up to the overlapping nonsense. Seems to me they thought of it back in '95 but had a long term plan to sneak it up on the R+F without them noticing. By all accounts they have succeeded with a lot of them. As for the rest, they ended up here.
  • Finkelstein

    In short what the overlapping generation means is a tritely corrupt religious publishing house attempt to validate previously concocted deceptive lies or false misleading bible interpretations. (1914)

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Mica you realize just how far removed from reality any of this 'generation' talk is when the Bible uses Jesus's (apparent ) words to say, "I tell you this: "There are some of those standing here who will not taste death before they have seen the kingdom of God already come in power". (Mar 9;1)

    He meant his generation, those alive when he was. His followers were to be flogged in the synagogues (Mar 13;9) ; it was about Jewish life...he said "When you see the abomination...let those in Judea flee to the hills" was about Jewish territory. In Mark 13;30 he said "The present generation will live to see it all".............

    Jesus got it wrong because it was religious hype in the first place; an unholy scam for the Jewish peasants who whilst under Roman rule had no other hope but in the miracle-working god-man saviour myth.

    The words recorded in the gospels have nothing to do with the twenty first century. Instead they are the scrapings of the barrel from the religious hopes of people long dead but kept alive for the gullible by the doomsday merchants such as the JW org.

    The idea of extending Jesus' "generation" to the 1914 generation is a leap to far; then by saying "overlapping generations" is what Jesus meant, is so far beyond reason to be dismissed without consideration as the most pathetic excuse.

    As in the first century the only expectation we can have from prophetic pronouncements is total disappointment. JW org has given proof to this.

  • Ding

    The passage of time made it obvious that the old 1914 generation teaching was wrong.

    Of course, the WT doesn't admit it was wrong; they just get "new light."

    The overlapping generation teaching is a way of buying a lot more time without abandoning the 1914 date.

    The GB deliberately made it confusing for 4 reasons:

    1. It is nonsense.

    2. If it could be understood, it would be clear it is nonsense.

    3. The GB can adjust it to mean anything they want it to mean.

    4. Trusting JWs will think it must be profound Bible truth.

  • Finkelstein

    The other thing to consider is that the JWS/WTS was preaching the 1914 doctrine for over 100 years and didn't change it or leave it, that in itself is why the WTS heads are theoretically bound to this doctrine and quantitatively paranoid to drop it altogether.

    They may never, they may just keep on saying this generation of people preaching now living .

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    (Grammatical error alert! I meant a leap too far in my post above) when referring to applying the 'generation' scripture to the lives of those who saw 1914.

    Very clearly the "generation of 1914" was the defining Watchtower statement from Frederick Franz who was baptized as a Bible Student around the year 1914. Self deluded and narcissistic preachers always see the Bible in the light of their own experience and Fred Franz with an ego as big as Yankee Stadium gloried in his private vision of how things should be if he were god.

    How crass, how stupid to believe Fred Franz and the scabby Watchtower for all those years. How many millions of lives wasted because of this futile doctrine?

    And I agree with you Finky baby, they will in future (if they haven't collapsed completely) just apply the scripture to each succeeding generation as if it was Jesus' intention. Stupidity piled on stupidity.

  • Vidiot

    MicaSmith - "What does the overlapping generation really mean?"

    It's a theological Band-Aid on an embarrassingly wrong numerology-based boo-boo. :smirk:

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