FormerBrother » Is there Gods true worshipers on Earth today as Jesus said there would be? If they are not JWs then who are they? Who else comes close to being Gods true followers today?
Are you asking if there's a true church on Earth? Because many people worship God on this world though they believe different doctrines and view the Bible differently. It would be an error in my view to consign worshippers to Hell or the grave if you wish, just because they aren't "true" believers.
As for if there's a church on Earth that was established by Jesus Christ, the three top contenders are, of course, the Catholic Church, which claims the church has continued an unbroken chain since the days of Christ. My horse in the race is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), which claims the ancient church fell into apostasy following the deaths of the apostles. It believes the church was restored to the earth through Jesus Christ and the ministry of angels who formerly lived as apostles and prophets to a prophet named Joseph Smith. One thing in its favor, and again, this is my horse, is that there were multitudes of witnesses who saw angels, had visions and revelations with Smith, witnessed healings and attained greatness as modern apostles and prophets. Both the Catholics and LDS believe they are in possession of the keys of the kingdom, which gives the church the power to bind both in Heaven and Earth and are necessary to the work of the ministry.
The third contender, in my view, is the Seventh Day Adventists. They also believe in the great apostasy, and they believe their church was established by Jesus Christ, who revealed to Ellen G. White that Christians all over the earth are worshipping on the wrong day (Sunday), and should return to worshipping on the Seventh Day of the week (Saturday). White maintained that, through her revelations, she could identify the Pope of Rome as the prophesied Antichrist. She was the only witness to her revelations, though some witnesses her having revelations. When enrapted in vision, they said, she could not be moved from her place.
My personal belief is that the church of Christ must have revelation at its core. The Jehovah's Witnesses have never received any communication from God confirming His acceptance of them as His representational church. They assume they are God's true servants without a modicum of confirmation. To them everything is invisible and insubstantial. As far as I know, God has never operated in this manner. He had always communicated His will through revelation and through prophets.
That's my take.