As love is the heart of christianity and centre of christian life and ministry, it would be in the sense of Jesus Christ to say who really loves is a true follower.
"If we love another, God remains in us" 1. John 4,12.
At the place where you find loving people you will find God. This would be the place where God lives, where you could rest and feel at home. This is the nucleus of all promises: At the place where find mercy and love, warmness, kindness and affection there is God.
This can be e.g. a mother who loves her child and cares for it while she passes the mediteranian sea in a refugee boat or even a manager who rescues employess from dangerous fire in a fabric. Even performance of ones duty in an office is a kind of love towards others. Love has many faces.
Who really loves:
- doesn wait for a futurre happiness but is happy now
- doesn hustle for accomplish a goal but is already at the goal
- love doesnt seek a purpose or benefit, love is without purpose and without benefit because it already possesses the gem.
- it makes philantropists out of egoists
God’s Love and Christian Life. 7 [c]Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. 8 Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love. 9 1.John 4:7-9 NABRE