pale emperor,
Your story is why our birth plan, and anything medically related was always private. The HLC was outside the door? Why!? Whop called them? This was a childbirth. Do they really show up for such mundane things?
by pale.emperor 39 Replies latest watchtower medical
pale emperor,
Your story is why our birth plan, and anything medically related was always private. The HLC was outside the door? Why!? Whop called them? This was a childbirth. Do they really show up for such mundane things?
problemaddict2: This was a childbirth. Do they really show up for such mundane things?
Giving birth is far from mundane. Maybe for the man it is a mundane event, but it isn't for the woman.
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality. All women who carry a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks’ gestation are at risk for PPH and its sequelae. Although maternal mortality rates have declined greatly in the developed world, PPH remains a leading cause of maternal mortality elsewhere.
The direct pregnancy-related maternal mortality rate in the United States is approximately 7-10 women per 100,000 live births. National statistics suggest that approximately 8% of these deaths are caused by PPH. [1] In industrialized countries, PPH usually ranks in the top 3 causes of maternal mortality, along with embolism and hypertension. In the developing world, several countries have maternal mortality rates in excess of 1000 women per 100,000 live births, and World Health Organization statistics suggest that 25% of maternal deaths are due to PPH, accounting for more than 100,000 maternal deaths per year. [2] The most recent Practice Bulletin from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists places the estimate at 140,000 maternal deaths per year or 1 woman every 4 minutes. [3]
The rate of PPH increased from 1.5% in 1999 to 4.1% in 2009, and the rate of atonic PPH rose from 1% in 1999 to 3.4% in 2009. The risk of PPH with a morbidly adherent placenta is markedly higher. [4]
And this:
Every 10 minutes a woman in the United States almost dies of pregnancy-related complications. Postpartum hemorrhage is a leading cause of these complications, with an estimated 2.9% of the women who give birth in the U.S. will bleed too much. This means about 125,000 women a year are affected. In addition, in the last 10 years, there was a 183% increase in the number of women who had a blood transfusion around the time they gave birth.
Postpartum hemorrhage is a leading cause of these complications, with an estimated 2.9% of the women who give birth in the U.S. will bleed too much.
For every 100 pregnant JW women in the U.S., 3 of them will bleed too much. Or, 29 out of 1000. Annually. This year. How many will need blood but not get it? How many will die?
Canadian stats:
The HLC have an interest in pregnant women. They have high blood transfusion requirements. And so do newborn babies.
People should try to understand before they go in surgery what the machines actually do. Having a cell saver doesn't mean you are JUST reintroducing your own blood, the blood HAS to be filtered and centrifuged which means you're stripping a lot of product from your blood. This is wanted because the blood at your surgery cuts contains lots of waste, not just "organ stuff" (e.g. You don't want to reintroduce non-blood tissue) but also extreme amounts of various healing and clotting factors (your body goes into overdrive trying to fix the damage). So we strip it out and reintroduce it. It's better than saline solution but it's pretty close to it, it's no longer "your blood" but a blood derived chemical with oxygen carriers. It's not a replacement as the JW tend to insist, it's a tool at best.
The fact that witnesses do not reaearch stuff to do with their own health even when it involves life or death decisions stands as a testament to the brilliance of WTs anti-blood propoganda and their powers of manipulation.
If I didn't already know they're a money-hungry cult I would assume that it was all some kind of cruel social experiment intended to see just how "obedient" ordinary people will be.
In a sense it is. All self-destructive cults have test runs to see who isn't worthy - Jonestown, Waco, ...
JWs seems to (so far) not have sufficient charismatic leadership to enact a tragedy.
The Org has a long history of wanting to have its cake and eat it, too.
Why should its loyal followers be any different?
Anony Mous - "...JWs seems to (so far) not have sufficient charismatic leadership to enact a tragedy..."
I'd argue that they're closer to it now than before, what with moving to the Warwick compound.
Annually. This year. How many will need blood but not get it? How many will die?
Birth rate in US: 2.4 births per 1000 people
JWs in US: 1,200,000 (rounded down)
JW births: 14,880*
Number of JW women in the United States this year alone who, statistically, will bleed too much during childbirth (2.9% of births):
Four hundred and thirty one pregnant JW women in the US will hemorrhage this year
*conservative number - the stat of *per 1000 people includes the whole population. The JW population includes those of publisher age and up
Are JW women aware at all about their high risk? Does anyone ever talk with pregnant? or does it happen only in case of ....when it is too late.
A 2001 study by Singla et al. 14 concluded that ‘Women who are Jehovah’s Witnesses are at a 44-fold increased risk of maternal death, which is due to obstetric hemorrhage.’ Massiah et al. 15 in 2007 published a study of 116 deliveries over a period of 14 years amongst Jehovah’s Witnesses and reported one maternal death due to PPH, leading them to conclude that there was a 65-fold increase of maternal death amongst this cohort of patients. A more recent (2009) study from The Netherlands16 concluded that: ‘Women who are Jehovah’s Witnesses are at a six times increased risk for maternal death, at a 130 times increased risk for maternal death because of major obstetric hemorrhage and at a 3.1 times increased risk for serious maternal morbidity because of obstetric hemorrhage, compared to the general Dutch population.’ A comparison of these three studies is shown in
The following information would bring us to the sad number of 208 maternal deaths for 14880 births in the US. alone.
At least this would be 208 - 431 women who are in big danger and high risk patients and are treated with the care of the HLC in special clinics.
Linke to page 507