That's just it. He won't be getting a social security check because he was at Bethel during most of his adult life and did not pay in to it.
by My Name is of No Consequence 36 Replies latest jw experiences
That's just it. He won't be getting a social security check because he was at Bethel during most of his adult life and did not pay in to it.
If he works for 10 years and pays into social security, he will have some benefits, he will also qualify for medicare.
Sucks, I know; that is what Ray Franz had to do when he was asked to leave at 60
If you were born in 1929 or later, you need to work at least 10 years to become eligible for Social Security. The SSA determines eligibility with a system of credits. Basically, you earn up to four credits for every year worked, and you need a total of 40 credits to qualify for Social Security.
Normally, you need to have earned about 40 “credits” or “quarters” by paying Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes while working — equal to about 10 years of work — in order to get Part A services without paying premiums. The premiums have already been covered by your payroll taxes.
As always, thanks for the info.
While I am happy that this laid-off bethelite got a brother to hire him, what happens hypothetically if he turns out to be an unsatisfactory worker??
Is the brother with the business just supposed to tolerate him? Is he OWED a job by some brother? What happens if the brother with the business comes to regret it?
I am sure these questions will come up at some point with brothers who hire these ex-bethelites.
A test? Everything is a test to JW's. When something goes their way it's a blessing. When it doesn't, it's a test or Satan causing it.
Those are good questions that I don't have the answers to.
Another day in [spiritual] paradise!
That's just it. He won't be getting a social security check because he was at Bethel during most of his adult life and did not pay in to it.
Oh, I had not realized this. In New Zealand, the "pension" is universal regardless of employment history.
Given that successive generations of ex-Bethelites have been turfed out, surely by now individual American JWs now realize that without "worldly" employment for the stipulated period of time, they won't get social security. They cannot claim they did not realize!