Jah loves his servants so much they are all Disposable.
Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush.
Ray Bradbury
by My Name is of No Consequence 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Jah loves his servants so much they are all Disposable.
Blow your nose on a person, wad them, flush them away, reach for another, blow, wad, flush.
Ray Bradbury
This guy needs to find a wealthy single sister who is patiently waiting for a mate.
when we think about all the 'atrocities' the GB ....<Auto Proclamed> Governing Body did, or, produce because of their writings, not always approved even by the majority of the GB, Watchtower Society should not only be banned in Russia, THIS organisation should be banned EVERYWHERE and FOREVER !!! it's so easy to tell to these peoples, who gave their lives without a long education, without revenues, ,,, go and find a job.... RIDICULOUS ....simply Twisted mind !!! Hey Mr Splane, JAckson , Lett and others.... let's go ...find a job... try to find a job... Bonne chance !!!
Satan's evil system will no doubt provide for the needs of this person.
You can learn a lot about an organization by the way it treats its elderly.
I would love to say - you know the organization made a billion dollar profit selling their brooklyn properties alone. Just what kind of severance package did jehovahs organization lovingly provide for all the laid off bethelites?
Yet my husband gets SO defensive and says "jehovah NEVER tests people".
Steve2 and others, There is a difference between SSI and SSA. For SSA one must work and earn credits before receiving a benefit. SSI is not based on earnings but on age (at least 65) or disability. Please note that there is a difference between MediCare and MediCaid as well; the latter is for low income individuals who meet certain requirements. The laid off Bethelite may indeed be eligible for SSI and Medicaid as well as EBT which is based on income, not longevity.
Another benefit may be subsidized housing. It's difficult to get in a large city (wait lists) but in smaller towns it doesn't take long at all. Rent is topped out at 30% of adjusted income.
This ex-Bethelite rode the gravy train for how many years, now it's time for him to learn how others live. He made the choice, he pays the price...not forgetting that he also reaped the benefits and, it seems, is still reaping them since he is known by the term (ex)Bethelite. In the $ecular world (which is what we're talking about here) that designation just doesn't carry any weight at all. There are ways to survive but you have to learn what they are and apply them.
Bethelite doesn't get it yet. He's out in service......that's crazy, by now he should be doing something for himself every minute..... even if he has to be a Walmart greeter or a parking lot shopping cart collector. If he is out in service he still believes Jah is going to provide. Don't deride him too much, we all use to believe it.
There's no way to put the numbers together, but it'd be fascinating to know the level of activity these former Bethelites show after being "sent to the field." Like how many of them are regular pioneers 1, 3, and 5 years out. How many of them remain elders and ministerial servants. Conversely, how many of them have become just regular rank-and-file publishers or inactive.