Vanderhoven7 Can you show me a scripture that says every man will go to heaven?
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer 183 Replies latest jw experiences
H A Believer,
Again, what does the great crowd have to do with what God will do for the Earth? You are assuming that ONLY the GC can be on Earth.
Who are they? Who knows. You'll find a million different interpretations online.
Where are they? Heaven.
What does this mean? WT is wrong
What hope is there for the Earth? Again, who knows? Another million different theories online, all based on different biblical interpretations.
If you want to be Christian, there are only a few things which are certain: You must put faith in Jesus and love your neighbor. Everything else is open to interpretations and very unclear.
Thank you, A Believer, for that wonderful spiritual banquet in the OP - it was most encouraging.
And now, brothers and sisters, please stand and sing song number 21 from our new song book, entitled Let Us Kiss Stephen Lett's Ring.
That's song number 21, brothers.
A Believer
Sanchy I disagree they are in heaven. I gave you a ton of scriptures talking about mans relationship with Earth. You just choose not to see it.
If God says the Earth wasn't formed to be not inhabited that's exactly what it would be if great crowd went to heaven.
A Believer, please consider my words carefully:
You are assuming that ONLY the great crowd from Rev 7 can be the ones to live on Earth? That's not necessarily the case. John in his vision is witnessing a great multitude (or crowd) of people that are in heaven. This does not mean that there isn't other biblical scriptures that refer to some sort of Earthly hope.
Does EVERYONE go to heaven? Not necessarily. Does everyone live on Earth? Not necessarily.
All I'm saying is that the evidence points to the location of the Great Crowd, whoever that group is, and that is wherever God is..aka heaven.
JWs are NOT the only ones to believe that the bible teaches that man will live on Earth. There are literally thousands of different theories and beliefs out there related to men living on Earth. Look them up. The bible is not clear in the matter, and thus so many different possible interpretations.
However, regarding the GC's location, WT is wrong.
A Believer
I gave a scripture that says naos can refer to the whole temple. So my stance is they don't go to heaven.
The great crowd in a paradise on earth is unique to JW. You want to name some other religions that teach that?
A Believer
Actually the evidence leans on our side because the scriptures that say man will live on earth forever. Do these scriptures make you think the GC is in heaven if this can be seen?
. 2 I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God
10 So he carried me away in the power of the spirit to a great and lofty mountain, and he showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God+
Saunchy: Biblically speaking - right on.
A Believer: You asked: Can you show me a scripture that says every man will go to heaven?
Well yes. Paul writes that all Christians have one hope and that is a heavenly one. All persons who accepted his gospel, by definition and without exception;
a. became members of the body of Christ. I Cor.12:27
b. they were born again. Jn.3:3
c. they shared one hope and that was a heavenly one. II Tim.4:18
d. they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit I Cor.12:13
e. they were entitled to share in the communion loaf and cup I Cor.10:16-17
f. they shared in the New Covenant mediated by Christ Heb.12:24
g. they were fully justified through faith in Christ Jesus. Ro.3:26
h. they were declared absolutely righteous having Christ's righteousness
imputed to them. Ro.4: 22 - 25
However, in accordance with certain teachings disseminated since 1935, virtually all persons who accept the Watchtower gospel:
i. cannot become members of the body of Christ. ______________
j. they cannot be born again. ______________
k. they cannot share in the heavenly reward. ______________
l. they cannot receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit ______________
m. they are not entitled to share in the communion loaf and cup. ______________
n. they are not in the New Covenant mediated by Christ. ______________
o. they cannot be fully justified through faith in Christ Jesus. ______________
p. they cannot now be declared absolutely righteous, having Christ's
righteousness imputed to them. ______________
Jehovah's Witnesses are declaring as good news something beyond what Paul declared as good news in the first century. Therefore the onus is on you and other JWs to show that the New Testament somewhere teaches that Christian believers ( i - p ) above?
Actually the evidence leans on our side because the scriptures that say man will live on earth forever
Nowhere in those verses does it say that it is "the great crowd" coming down from heaven, or alternatively that the "great crowd" is on earth receiving the "new jerusalen" from heaven.
You are connecting two scriptures that are not necessarily linked.
A Believer
12 “‘The one who conquers—I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will by no means go out from it anymore, and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the New Jerusalem that descends out of heaven from my God, and my own new name.