The Great Crowd!
by A Believer 183 Replies latest jw experiences
Oh A believer I have read that book of middle eastern whackery all of my life.
Santa clause is a better character than Jehovah, at least Santa clause doesn't kill innocent people or is vengeful because people don't worship him.
Isn't Santa clause wonderful 💕
Even Jehovah doesn't look into the future
So there's no such thing as "prophecy"?
Does your field service group overseer know how apostate you've become?
Can you not spam this site with cult advertising? It's kind of a trigger for those who have lost loved ones through shunning from the mandate of this cult.
Even Jehovah doesn't look into the future
So what is The Book of Revelation? Just a bad trip of St. John?
A Believer
Read the article. A God can look into the future whenever he wants to. He knows the End will happen and what day exactly. But he does not make you pre destined to go along with this systems down fall.
Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses have always recognized that the term "great crowd" is used uniquely at Revelation 7:9 in that there that particular "great crowd" describes the group of humans who survive the "great tribulation" to live forever on earth.
The Great Crowd are in heaven. At least, according to the Bible...
A Believer
honest8 minutes ago
Can you not spam this site with cult advertising? It's kind of a trigger for those who have lost loved ones through shunning from the mandate of this cult.
God said Satan would deceive the Earth. So it makes sense why you would call the JW, a smaller group, a cult. Get it in now because I don't believe their will be room for it soon.
Btlc the one Jehovah let see this prophecy couldn't number them. No one knows exactly how many will be there that day. Even Jehovah doesn't look into the future, everyone has free will.
No, it doesn't say that, it say: which no man was able to number, - please read better
A Believer
Wizzstick there are multiple great crowds in the Bible. Can you get that through you? The great crowd in chapter 19 isn't the 144000. They haven't been sealed and brought up, that isn't until chapter 20.