Iown Mylife - "What does make sense to me is that the cult bosses have to make people mad over something, in order to claim that they are being persecuted."
Real persecution - as in being-thrown-to-the-lions-in-the-ancient-Roman-Coliseum persecution (and recent historical evidence has actually called that into question, as a matter of fact) - just doesn't really happen in the civilized world anymore.
It has to be manufactured.
(Ironic really, as present-day legal protections against "persecution" actually exist as a direct result of the WTS's own efforts... "religious freedom" court cases they themselves fought.
Of course, going around poking people in the eye with a stick and then whining when someone punches you in the face for it afterwards doesn't actually make you a martyr.
It just makes you an asshole.
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.