I have been thinking about this (to fade or not to fade) lately. I think what happens is that, assuming you were a fully believing JW at some point, to understand and believe tatt you must have already made some changes that set you apart from the average JW. It may be subtle at first, little things that happen that make you think differently or open your eyes. Then you learn tatt and that changes you even more, to the point that you are now somewhat of a different person. The person you are now cannot easily sit and listen to what you know is not only false, but designed to keep you enslaved to an organization.
Some people can stay and pretend at this point, but I don't think it's possible for many. You have evolved, those still in did not, and you will continue to evolve, making it harder and harder to fit in. You are a square peg that no longer fits into that round hole. I understand why some might stay for family reasons, but I don't think they truly get what that decision is going to do to them psychologically in the long run. Of course leaving can be extremely difficult as well, but it does allow you to live your life with integrity, and to continue to grow and evolve as a person.
This is just the beginning, so welcome to the rest of your life!