Did I open the gate to the realm of demons?

by redpilltwice 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • OrphanCrow
    redpilltwice: If it's only a matter of self-deceit, then why can't we all "self-deceit" ourselves free of pain? Just manipulate the right emotions and voila?

    We can :)

    To a point...there is a point that the pain threshold becomes too high. And when there is a 'real' physical problem, it is far more difficult to deal with pain

    What's the physical and psychological difference between the ones who have the "gift" and who don't?

    I think it is important to remember that the "gift" only works if the recipient of that "gift" accepts it. That gift is ineffective without a willing participant to receive it

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    If it's only a matter of self-deceit, then why can't we all "self-deceit" ourselves free of pain?

    It's not only a matter of self deceit. I can see at least 3 causes of pain exist:

    1. Nerves somewhere in the body are stimulated (for instance because they're damaged) and send (pain) signals to the brain. The brain interpretes this as pain. This is what happens when you have a wound.
    2. Nerves go missing and stop sending any signals at all. The brain makes up for this and starts inventing pain. This is the phantom pain I mentioned. It's probably similar to the ring we 'hear' when some of the hairs in your inner ear are damaged: your brain makes up the ringing sound because it doesn't yet know how to interpret the missing signals.
    3. Our feelings/emotions (which are just brain chemistry) influence our brain to aggravate or even invent pain.

    Of course 1 can be a result of stress caused by 3, and vice versa. There are probably more causes as well.

    But for me, the most important thing is that neither of the 3 causes makes the pain less real.

    The treatment may be different, but there should be no labeling like 'this guy's pain is brain-only, so he should just shut up about it'. Just because the brain interprets pain without nerves actually firing pain signals doesn't mean it's just imagined pain.

    That looking in a mirror can take away real pain is intriguing. That being gently touched for a second can take away real pain is intriguing as well.

    Anyway, like you I think it's very interesting stuff. Given that our bodies are most likely hacked together by adapting existing functions to new environments over many millions of years, I wouldn't be surprised if some functionality we officially don't possess is still available to some.

    Such as the possibility to sense (even very weak) electrical fields, as some other animals can do.

    And our bodies may be much more internally connected and less function-separated than we assume. Already studies are suggesting that our gut is a 'second brain'....sending many signals to our brains, and likely being a main source of emotions. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain/#

    Jup. Interesting stuff.

  • redpilltwice

    OrphanCrow wrote:

    I think it is important to remember that the "gift" only works if the recipient of that "gift" accepts it.

    Interesting. I will ask "my" healer about it. Hope she will be honest about her effectivity ;-)

    Thanks for your input Anders, I will check the link.

  • OrphanCrow
    Andres: Already studies are suggesting that our gut is a 'second brain'....sending many signals to our brains, and likely being a main source of emotions.

    Our 'guts' aren't really a second brain at all. Gut reactions are the language of the right side of our brains - the side that has no language other than physical responses.

    Our brain operates on two hemispheres and it is the left side of our brains that is responsible for language production. The right side of our brains has no language ability - it can only trigger physical reactions in response to pattern recognition. When we have that intuition that seems to come from our gut, it is really only the ride side of our brains trying to communicate that it has recognized something that we need to be aware of.

    So, our guts don't have much to do with emotion - they are just the receptors of right brain communication. Unfortunately, the left side of the brain is a bit arrogant - it has been told, by the culture that has influenced its development, that it is the best, brightest, and most accurate. So...we usually ignore those gut feelings (right brain commmunication) or attribute them to the occult or some other easily put down phenomena like mental illness etc

  • just fine
    just fine

    The lady that I see says it doesn't matter if you believe her or not it works anyway.

  • OrphanCrow
    justfine: The lady that I see says it doesn't matter if you believe her or not it works anyway.

    So, does that mean she can heal anybody, even if they don't know she is doing it? If her healing does not require the belief of the person, what does it require? Touch? Could she touch someone who doesn't know she is healing them and have the same results?

  • just fine
    just fine

    It's kind of like a massage but you don't remove your clothes, and she works with energy, instead of massaging a muscle. She can feel where energy isn't flowing properly and then goes about fixing that area. She does need to touch you for it to work, so she couldn't just see a picture of you and do anything. I went to her originally by accident when scheduling what I thought was a regular massage, but I am glad I found her.

  • HBH

    Great comments, I'm astounded this thread has remained so balanced.

    I'm of the Socratic ideal, there is so much we don't know, especially about the brain. People bang their heads and become super geniuses. I looked up something I read a few weeks ago.


    Randi shut up because (some) scientists' admitted telekinesis, but couldn't explain it.


    I know first hand there is a "force" in psyco/telekinesis, but have no idea why. Similarly, the "magic" in the mushrooms, DMT ect.


  • LisaRose

    My neighbors told me this story. They got a Newfoundland dog for nothing because she had a genetic defect and wasn't expected to live for more than a year or two. They were walking the dog when someone they didn't know walked up to the dog and put her hands on it. The woman then said. "Your dog was sick, but I fixed her". The dog lived to a ripe old age. Well, a ripe age for a hundred and fifty pound dog.

  • rebel8

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