+1 for the demons
Did I open the gate to the realm of demons?
by redpilltwice 70 Replies latest jw experiences
AndersAnderson - "We already know JW don't really know anything about anything... so probably their ideas about demons are wrong as well."
Of course.
The wrong idea they have regarding "demons" is that they exist. :smirk:
Okay everyone, time for an update (for those who are interested), but first of all, thanks for all the replies.
Lisa Rose, incredible story (if true). I think we can't apply the placebo-effect to this dog, who didn't see that one coming! The healing happened fast en suddenly, I also assume there was too little time for the dog to suspect the healing stranger to be an off-duty vet or dog-whisperer
Anders Andersen, I read your link regarding phantom-pain. It's interesting to read that regarding the mirror technique, the site admits:
It is not obvious why this simple technique works
rebel8, I read this on your link:
Patients told they were getting a placebo still reported improvements at a much higher rate than patients who were not treated.
The outcome is fascinating and confirms what many of us already know... the mind can be very powerful, even (as the experiment shows) if we are fully aware of the placebo-effect. But, an improvement is what it is, an improvement. I went from pain to no pain within seconds, a 100% efficiency just by gently pressing my wrist! No crystal ball, no prayer, no questions about any of my personal views...just a human touch. This was no long term experiment with gradual improvement, this was some sort of on/off switch. Again, very effective.
This also brings me to two different views among the replies:
OrphanCrow > I think it is important to remember that the "gift" only works if the recipient of that "gift" accepts it. That gift is ineffective without a willing participant to receive it
just fine > The lady that I see says it doesn't matter if you believe her or not it works anyway.
I promised to ask my healing lady about it and Idid today. She confirmed what just fine wrote. No faith required.
Nevertheless OrphanCrow asked some additional questions, which haven't been answered yet by just fine.
It is to be expected that every healer, receiver and situation has its own "rules" and chemistry. So far, I'm very happy with all the stories and replies, thanks again. I hope to reach a balanced, non-superstitious view and certain things I can relate to.
Anders Andersen
(Off topic: I am suddenly throw back to the intriguing life story of Red Adair I've read in Readers Digest some 20+ years ago)
Your account is intriguing indeed. I also wonder how this works. Just because there isn't a scientific researched explanation (yet) doesn't mean it's imagination or supernatural*.
Only a few (non-overlapping) generations ago nobody had any idea about germs and sterility. Yet they put (sterile) honey on wounds because that helped to heal.
Likewise it's very well possible that some people have (unknowingly) tapped into some technique we have yet to discover properly.
Btw glad you're without this pain now.
*) On the other hand the lack of scientific evidence or explanation doesn't mean something does actually work beyond placebo effect. There are a lot of healers and techniques out there that really are bullshit. The fact that the (quack)healers themselves believe in it doesn't make it true (like JW honestly believing they have 'the truth' doesn't make that reality either).
just fine
Redpill- I don't think I can answer OC questions any better than I have. You have to be present and it requires touch. I think that alone makes it so she couldn't heal someone without their knowledge because their presence is required.
The person I see tells you up front it's not magic and anyone can learn how to do it with the proper training, but as with anything else some people are better at it than others. And she has told me some people do the energy work for animals. My friends and I joke that it is magic because you can't really explain how it works in a way that makes sense.
Hey Twitch, that 1st picture was exactly what appeared in the sky during my miraculous healing!!!! lol, no... like the picture though. Is it from Doom?
just fine, you wrote:
I don't think I can answer OC questions any better than I have
My impression too, but it wasn't up to me to make such a statement. Another intriguing detail that came to my mind was that my healer has diabetes. Only when her sugar is high, she uses pictures (including mine) to make the pain of others disappear from a distance. Her sugar then drops. Another indication that energy transfer is the main factor, and my healer clearly needs to take care of a good energy balance (she's 90 years old!).
It also reminds me of Jesus, who stated in Luke 8:46 that power went out of him. Clearly, some carpenters have "the gift" also.
justfine: Redpill- I don't think I can answer OC questions any better than I have. You have to be present and it requires touch. I think that alone makes it so she couldn't heal someone without their knowledge because their presence is required.
Thx...your reply is just fine :)
The way you describe this interaction is such that the presence of belief is there, even if the patient says they don't believe and the healer says it isn't necessary. The simple act of a person approaching someone else for help implies that even if that person who is suffering doesn't believe in the method the healer is trying, they want to believe it will work. They want to be healed. They don't go to healers just to waste their time...they want healing to work. They desire healing
So, saying that "belief" isn't necessary is really a dodge of the issue - the person being treated desires results. The motivation to visit the healer, and submit to them trying to heal you, is a desire to believe
The healing hands incidents that are reported always have a common theme - the one being healed is aware that the potential is there. A person doesn't receive that gift anonymously and without awareness (and I am not going to get into the dog story at all... that is a whole other ball of wax)
OrphanCrow > (and I am not going to get into the dog story at all... that is a whole other ball of wax)
lol If you wouldn't have written that, I certainly would have asked about the dog!
Redpill, I am not discounting the experience of "healing hands". I have seen it work. I also know that pain is real, regardless of the source or cause - pain is pain.
What I am interested in is why healing hands work - what principles are at play.
With that said, I do believe that a person should approach and attempt alternative practices for managing pain only after a real doctor diagnosis. Unfortunately, I have known of people who went to a healer first - their pain disappeared but their undiagnosed cancer didn't. A responsible healer will always direct their patients to a medical doctor if they suspect a serious health problem