So hadn't been to a CLAM meeting in quite a few months, but went last night. So we learned that gog of magog is not Satan as previously believed. They used a few scriptures that made it clear that it couldn't be Satan and that it would be a coalition of nations. I was a little confused that if these scriptures were so clear then how'd they screw that up in the first place.
Then we watched a bunker video and had a discussion. The conductor called the police storming into the room "storm troopers" as did a few people who commented. I was a little confused by this also. Is that a common thing they are called in other halls? All i could think of was Star Wars.
Also had another talk on the 3 things needed to survive into the new world.........1. need to preach. 2. need to be baptized. 3. need to be at meetings. All of these were stressed as things that needed to be done in order to be saved.
After meeting overheard someone saying how good the bunker video was and how much it scared her and how real it was. So obviously the scare tactics are working on some like the WT intended.
What'd you gather from the CLAM?