Let's review: It's a Cult!
Last nights CLAM meeting
by dbq407 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And what about the old story line that Jehovah would read people's hearts so you didn't necessarily have to be baptized to make it through Armaggedon? I guess that is old light as well.
Makes me wish I'd gone tonight. Except it doesn't.
dbq407 - "...the children in the audience, being told that they basically have to be baptized to be able to be saved..."
'Course they wanna get 'em baptized young, these days.
Much easier to keep 'em muzzled if/when they learn the TATT as they get older.
Are there barrels of Koolaid in the video bunker basement?
siege mentalitynoun- a defensive or paranoid attitude based on the belief that others are hostile towards one."once you develop a siege mentality, anything is believable"
Anybody who doesn't think the Org is an almost permanent state of "siege mentality", raise your hands.
"They used a few scriptures that made it clear it couldn't be Satan..."
They had the same scriptures when they said it WAS.
@ Virgochik...
Let's be honest.
A truly creative person could find scriptures that would mandate pogo-sticking naked under a full moon.