Why the NFL Protest Is a Massive and Insulting Failure

by freemindfade 117 Replies latest social current

  • JeffT

    A couple of thoughts.

    Freedom goes both ways. The players are free to protest. The fans are free to go find something else to do with their time and money. We'll see how that works out for everybody.

    If the players want to protest violence against those that can't fight back they should start by doing something about their own people beating their wives and girlfriends.

  • redvip2000
    If the players want to protest violence against those that can't fight back they should start by doing something about their own people beating their wives and girlfriends.

    But they can fight back. And do. And when you fight back against the police to the extent that you threaten their security, you have a good chance of getting shot.

    Somehow there are folks in our society, that think they get to decide if they should go to jail or not. They need to get a hint: You don't get to decide.

    Even if somehow you think you are innocent, how could you decide this? These players should put up some money on creating PSA's that clearly state the how the legal system works.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    For all those who think the NFL players are wrong for what they did by kneeling during the national anthem don't worry about it. In ten to twenty years from now if not sooner most will not remember what they did because of the brain damage they may suffer for playing such a violent game for our entertainment. They will need that money for medical care.

    As a white person I can't relate to how a black person feels about the history of hate and abuse they go through. I think we for the most part who are X-JW's and especially born-ins should remember the hate and abuse we went through because of being part of a cult religion. I remember sitting down during the national anthem as a boy. When people questions me why I would tell them I respected the flag i would not spit, rub it in dirt, stomp on it or burn it. All I did was sit down. So what they did it at a football game! It's just a game. Not to long ago the teams stayed in the locker room until the national anthem was over. I just want to give them the same consideration. Still Totally ADD

  • waton

    some poster said that fans pay for the salary of these players. Not so, every product sold carries a penalty to finance the advertisement for unwanted "services", like those offered by these alpha males. Much good and advancement could be bought by not wasting it on kneeling pursuits of any kind.

  • freemindfade

    To go back to my main points of the OP, that the protest message is unknown, or the intent unclear, I am seeing a lot of people (especially on social media) reacting to veterans who feel slighted by the NFL, so what do these people say? They say they are misunderstanding, that its directed at the flag, or country, but is that true? If you go back to the clown that started this whole thing, these are his exact words:

    "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

    Now, I don't care if you aren't patriotic, or what you choose to protest, my whole point has been that this is big virtue signal circle jerk, and when called on it, instead of owning it, now everyone tries to make the narrative different. So the lying bothers me, the hypocrisy, and then pretending that the people you are offending "just don't get it". Speaking for vets that are upset, the real reason stated above, can be quite insulting and make you dislike the whole thing.

    Kaepernick who is so stupid says he has no pride in this country, and then wears a Fidel Castro shirt to a press conference, is a clown and the protest is a joke. Go do something that makes a difference instead of flying your own virtue signal.

  • sir82

    For such a "massive and insulting failure", it sure seems to have grabbed your attention. You've been writing about it for 3 days now.

  • freemindfade

    It's fascinating, that's different than effective, but as usual, you cannot add anything to it from either side of the debate, just be salty and be proud of yourself like same virtue signalers. Good job continuing to add nothing

  • redvip2000
    I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color

    Has this idiot gone outside the country? Maybe he can use some of the overpaid $$ that San Francisco paid for him, to go check which other country in the world offers more opportunity to "People of color"

    There are "People of color" who arrive in this country every day without speaking a word of English. They get a low paying job, sometimes even two or three jobs at once. They save enough to open a small business, learn some English, save for a house. A few years later they are living the american dream, with a business, house, money in the bank, kids going to college etc.

    Amazing what can happen when you work hard, instead of complaining that the government is not doing enough for you.

  • freemindfade

    There are a lot of athletes who actively do something about social issues and lead by example, but the media would rather focus on the crybabies falsely claiming how bad this country supposedly is.

  • MeanMrMustard

    Perhaps the protest message would be cleared up a bit if the players wore pussy hats while they took a knee.

    This is all leftist nonsense.


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